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Lorielle New

Lorielle New

Lorielle New – Actress

Interview by Chinhee & Sunhee Park

I always knew I  was an actor – long before I  knew that I could be an actor, before I knew it was a job, and that  it was something that I  could attain.  I did not grow up in an environment where that was a possibility – or even something one would consider – acting was something other people did.  Not me.  Not anyone in my family.  So I struggled to reign myself in, and start down the path I was expected to follow – the sensible path.   But, as you can see, I was not successful in that attempt.

I was never supposed to get a single job as an actor,  or  so I  was  told,  but  sheer determination and force of will-  or just plain stubbornness and hard work-  I did get  jobs, and  then more, and more.   I now have over 50 credits to my name– all of which  I  have  booked  on  my  own!   So I guess stubbornness would be the best adjective there.   (Laugh out Loud).  I love to work, and feel lucky that I’ve had the opportunity to do so.

I love to entertain.  I love to touch people, to make them feel, to create a character or understand a psyche other than mine.  To become someone else other than myself and perhaps share the experience with the viewer.   That is what draws me to acting.   To touch, to feel, to give voice, to understand, to entertain, to share, to move and be moved.   That is what compels me to this crazy profession.

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My favorite film role so far, is my character from “Edgar Allen Poe’s the Pit and the Pendulum”.   It is the first film that I’ve been able to carry as the lead actor – and feel so grateful for that opportunity and experience.  It may be a campy, little low budget Indy film, but I’m very proud of it- and am thrilled when people watch it!   Currently I’m working on developing a web series to star in, as well as other film projects.

Besides acting I also have a daily Internet talk show that I’ve been doing every weekday at 5pm (LA time) for the last 2.5 years.  I’ve had over 1.5 million viewers and really enjoy interacting with everyone, sharing a bit of my adventures, and spreading the positivity.   I find it very rewarding to give back some time and support to anyone looking for a connection.    As much as I try to spread the positivity to my viewers, I find that I get even more back from them in return.   I am so touched by the emails I’ve gotten from people– whose lives have not been going so well, thanking me for making them smile and feel good for an hour.   That’s it!  That’s why I do what I do!

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