The 10 C’s of Couple Compatibility

How is it that some relationships seem to have a better couple compatibility?
The 10 C’s of Couple Compatibility
Being a super-successful couple comes down to following the ten “C’s.” These are ten concepts, all beginning with the letter “C,” which will enable you to take your relationship to the next level.
Couple Compatibility #1 on the list is Commitment
Both people have to take the relationship seriously and be willing and able to stick with it in good times and in bad. If one of you lacks commitment, the other will feel insecure and unloved, which leads to relationship stress. Without a strong commitment, it’s too easy to walk away when challenges arise.
Couple Compatibility #2 is Communication
Both people need to know that the other person understands their needs and feelings and will respond to them appropriately. No-one is a mind-reader and good, clear communication is the only way for two people to develop and maintain trust and intimacy.
Couple Compatibility #3 on the list is Caring
Love is necessary in a relationship but it’s not enough. For a relationship to work, you must both really care about your partner’s thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, likes, dislikes and values. If there’s not enough caring, no amount of infatuation or passion will keep you together.
Couple Compatibility #4 is Compromise
Being flexible and allowing for some give and take will build trust and respect. The willingness to give up something you want or to let the other person have their way shows them that you’re easy-going and responsive to their needs.
Couple Compatibility #5 on the list is Compassion
Being understanding and tolerant toward each-other goes a long way in maintaining the good-will in a relationship. When there’s compassion instead of criticism, both people feel fully accepted and free to be their own, imperfect selves.
Couple Compatibility #6 is Conscientiousness
When both people are thoughtful and regularly rise to the occasion and do the right thing, it creates an atmosphere of comfort and happiness in the relationship.
Couple Compatibility #7 is Consistency
When you’re always the same person; when you’re reliable and dependable and you keep your promises, your partner will feel safe and secure around you.
Couple Compatibility #8 on the list is Creativity
A relationship is a living, breathing entity requiring constant attention and maintenance. An attitude of creativity brings fun and excitement to it and keeps both partners from taking the relationship or each-other for granted.
Couple Compatibility #9 is Consciousness
Seeing the truth about yourself and your partner will prevent a lot of potential misunderstandings. Having deeper insight and clarity allows you both to deal more effectively with any problems that do arise.
Couple Compatibility #10 on the list is Courage
This is the ability to stand up for yourself in a relationship and to reject anything that goes against your values or causes you pain. When both people are courageous, it fosters an atmosphere of mutual respect and brings out each person’s best behavior.
When you understand and apply the Ten “C’s” of Couple Compatibility, you and your partner will be at a significant advantage and will maximize your chances for a happy, fulfilling long-term relationship.
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About the Author
Marcia Sirota MD FRCP(C) is a board-certified psychiatrist, that does not ascribe to any one theoretical school. Rather, she has integrated her education and life experiences into a unique approach to the practice of psychotherapy. She considers herself a realist with a healthy measure of optimism. Sign up here for her free monthly wellness newsletter.

Dr. Marcia Sirota is a Toronto-based board certified psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of trauma and addiction, as well as founder of the Ruthless Compassion Institute, whose mandate is to promote the philosophy of Ruthless Compassion and in so doing, improve the lives of people, everywhere.
I agree with all these and would add Chemistry…
:-)…may have to change it to The 11 C’s
Thank you! I love this. I want to make a sign or poster for my house with the Ten C’s