The Only Way To Meet The Real You
By Gordon Rosenberg
Is everything in this world happening “at the same time” as some suggest. I’ve found that the more I get in touch with my “essential self”, the less I really care about when or how the external world is occurring. I find that the real reason to be here is to express this eternal, or essential, self as much as I possibly can in the present moment, that it doesn’t particularly matter in what order life comes to me, or whether I had planned it that way.
Do you know what I mean? Can you feel the energy of your soul, the energy of your heart, and know what I mean? To me, this is probably the key to the entire process of self-discovery: Learning to experience yourself fully and without any fear that you may not be capable or worthy of such experiencing. I say that since you are clearly here, you’re quite capable and deserving of knowing yourself as much as possible. I’ve found that by going further and further inside myself, I can discover all the aspects of self which may have formerly been blocked or hidden away.
Can you discover your most “inner” aspects and face them without fear? Most of us are still working on doing this fully. Perhaps this is one of the main reasons we come here at all: To discover our innermost parts and summon up all the courage we can to deal with whatever we find in the process. Yet, these inner aspects of ourselves may not be as frightening as we believe them to be. I’ve found that the more I go inside myself, the more I search all the cracks and crevices of the soul, and the less I really have to fear. There’s not so much there that’s as frightening as my ego-self may believe. Perhaps it’s the ego itself that fears looking inside!
Would you look into your soul even if the ego is frightened? I hope so, because I guarantee your ego will feel fear at the thought of going deeply inside. This is because the ego can’t go where you need to go to discover your “real” self. The ego and the authentic self do not reside in the same place. To get in touch with what’s real, you must go so far beyond where the ego can go that you’ll have to give up any attachment to the ego at all to get there. This is why it’s so important to be willing to let go of ego, prior to beginning the really serious spiritual journey.
The key here is on willingness. No one expects you to be able to completely transcend the ego, and fear, in the next instant. This is a long and perilous journey, this trip through our conscious mind and body, to eradicate all the old and dying parts of ourselves in search of what’s real and everlasting. Yet, you can go there if you’re willing. If you’ll take each step as it occurs, walking carefully but un-haltingly through the tangle that is our inner world. If you’ll walk through all the debris of this and many lifetimes, without letting fear stop you, I guarantee that at some point you’ll reach a place where you’ll see what’s really real about yourself and you’ll be able to shed all that’s not you.

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