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The Only Way To Meet The Real You

The Only Way To Meet The Real You

Would you look into your soul even if the ego is frightened? I hope so, because I guarantee your ego will feel fear at the thought of going deeply inside. This is because the ego can’t go where you need to go to discover your “real” self. The ego and the authentic self do not reside in the same place. To get in touch with what’s real, you must go so far beyond where the ego can go that you’ll have to give up any attachment to the ego at all to get there. This is why it’s so important to be willing to let go of ego, prior to beginning the really serious spiritual journey.

The key here is on willingness. No one expects you to be able to completely transcend the ego, and fear, in the next instant. This is a long and perilous journey, this trip through our conscious mind and body, to eradicate all the old and dying parts of ourselves in search of what’s real and everlasting. Yet, you can go there if you’re willing. If you’ll take each step as it occurs, walking carefully but un-haltingly through the tangle that is our inner world. If you’ll walk through all the debris of this and many lifetimes, without letting fear stop you, I guarantee that at some point you’ll reach a place where you’ll see what’s really real about yourself and you’ll be able to shed all that’s not you.

You can go there. I’ve spent some time there, and I wouldn’t trade the results of this journey for anything the external world has to offer. This is another key to the journey. You must be willing to transcend all the illusions that come up, for our world is full of illusions and traps. If you do, eventually you’ll get to the place where you’ll know your truth and you won’t settle for anything else. I welcome you to this path to the real self.

Gordon Rosenberg is a self-help author, relaxation guide and sound and energy practitioner and teacher. You may see his metaphysical blog at for more of his writings and teachings.

See Also
Natural Processes OMTimes

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