Truth or Illusion – It is All Up to You
How can we tell the difference? After all an illusion appears to be the truth but it does have one big difference. It promises you one thing but delivers another. For example often people think having more money will solve all their problems only to find out that didn’t make them happy. It didn’t provide that inner peace they were actually looking for. It may have provided a band aide type of solution but in the long term there was something deeper they required.
Think for a moment on what your life might be like if you were able to take away all the illusions and you could know a higher truth? This would enable you evaluate the situation; take the appropriate action to get the results you wanted. You would be able to work and talk with others with the understanding that they may be on a different level than you so are approaching matters from a different angle. At this level you would not be afraid to look past what is being presented to you as truth but rather you would listen to your Higher Self to feel and know what was true to you. Wouldn’t it be great to just know what your purpose was and how to achieve it?
Meditation is one of the most important venues for opening up the connection with who we really are. It is in this stillness that we discover our purpose, lessons we are here to learn and ways to accomplish them. It is through allowing our Higher Self (spirit) to immerge that we truly begin to see the truth and become willing to change our views as our awareness grows. We need to take time each day to calm the chatter of the physical and emotional body and just be in the moment.

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality