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What in the World are They Spraying?

What in the World are They Spraying?

by Rhonda Bryant

New documentary sets out to find out the truth behind geo-engineering programs

There is a relatively new science emerging called geo-engineering, which is the manipulation of the Earth’s climate to counteract the effects of global warming.  There are also other aspects to these studies where scientists could create rain in a desert or change the course of a hurricane.  Now in theory this sounds very beneficial but in reality there are many adverse effects that can result from playing God. As usual humans not working in harmony and right relationship with the elements and mother earth can cause severe consequences, particularly given that the compounds these scientists are testing are known to cause debilitating health problems and could lead to massive droughts and famines due to the butterfly effect.

One such aspect of geo-engineering that many people are taking notice of is the program for Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering (SAG), AKA chemtrails.  SAG is the spraying of chemicals in the air to supposedly deflect the sun’s rays and help stop global warming however it appears that many other different agendas are associated with this practice including military applications, depopulation plans and even a link into the GMO seed manufacturers.  According to the scientific community this program is only being studied and has not yet been implemented. But how many of us have looked up into the skies to see these strange white lines that go from one end of the horizon to the other? Sometimes they crisscross each other looking like milky clouds and but always staying in the air for several hours. Are they normal and if not, what are they?

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Well, normally when a jet airplane flies there is a trail of condensed water vapor that forms in the wake of the aircraft and dissipates in a few seconds. This is called a contrail.  Now they can be varying lengths but they NEVER go across the whole horizon nor do they remain in the sky.  It is believed that instead of a harmless contrail many airplanes globally are spraying heavy metals into the atmosphere such as aluminum or sulfur. This arsenal spraying of toxic chemicals or chemtrails then creates the strange white lines but of course what goes up must come down so how does it affect the soil, water and the air we breathe?

Three dedicated men, G. Edward Griffin, Michael Murphy and Paul Wittenberger decided to investigate the phenomenon of chemtrails and ended up producing a very informative documentary called What in the World Are They Spraying? that offers scientific proof to answer some of the many questions being asked and discovered some disturbing answers.  Their goal was not to inflame conspiracy theories but to instead make people aware of what is happening to them and the potential risks.  There is one scene in particular that was very powerful to me when a scientist was talking about the SAG program commented, “And by the way, it’s not really a moral hazard it’s more like free riding on our grandkids.”

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