5 Ways Energy Medicine Can Help You

3. Wash away “slime”-the low-level negative energy others have dumped on you that makes you feel sad, tired, or plain old miserable for no obvious reason.
4. Protect you from energy vampires, drama queens, or needy friends and relatives, and teach you to retrieve your own energy back from them, restoring your vitality.
5. Complement medical treatments. Once a distorted energy has manifested in the physical body, you need everyone on board in order to get well. Energy medicine can help medication, surgeries, and other procedures do their job even better and minimize the side effects, as well as reduce stress and facilitate a faster recovery. It helps reach the root cause of the illness, while the conventional medical practices are working on the physical treatment of the disease and its symptoms.
In the end, your health is your responsibility, not your doctor’s. Keep an open mind and trust your intuition about the optimal ways in which you need to proceed.

Deborah King is a Master healer and teacher whose New York Times Best-Seller, Be Your Own Shaman: Heal Yourself and Others with 21st Century Energy Medicine you on a one-of-a-kind journey into the powerful esoteric world of healing. Deborah travels worldwide, helping thousands of people transform their lives through her experiential workshops. Her online training program, 21st Century Energy Medicine, attracts those who want to become healers for themselves or others. She also hosts a popular weekly Hay House radio show.