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Becoming Your Authentic Self

Becoming Your Authentic Self

Marcus: Many people describe it as the dark night of the soul and can feel very lonely. What would you say to those people?

THEO: That is an integral part of it, for one must go within; no one can do this for you. Beings feel lonely because they have been searching outwardly rather than inwardly. It can be lonely in that sense of aloneness but loneliness depicts that you have nothing within, so have that experience of self that is fulfilling. It is emotional because it is an emotional learning; there is emotion experienced and it is a good learning. It is a rich time of personal growth and an inner time. Many can describe this time almost as a hermitage. As one comes out it’s a new day. There will be a cycle that brings you out into the light of that new day of wholeness. And then you are interactive, shining that light brightly in your world. As the butterfly emerges from the cocoon; seeing all the uniqueness, the color, the beauty, the divinity that you are. Not in an egotistical way or an arrogant way, but in a way of self-knowing. It is a centered in selfness, not a self-centeredness. It is very different and with that, a compassion for others. Not a judgment of whether they accept what you have done or not, it doesn’t matter. You are who you are and they can choose to participate or not. But that doesn’t lessen you. It is the issue within them.

Marcus: You’ve talked about the ability for vulnerability. Vulnerability is often times perceived as weakness or gullibility. Tell us about vulnerability in the role of becoming the authentic self.

THEO: Vulnerability is not gullibility. To be gullible is to accept everything one is told. Vulnerability is being open to speaking your truth. To speaking what your expectations are; opening yourself possibly for ridicule or for the word no to be said to you. Many do not like to hear the word no. However, when one opens the self in that truth, it makes them stronger, not weaker. To be your truth with another, to be vulnerable, allows for intimacy.

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Marcus: You bring up ridicule. I know a lot of people when they open to spiritual experience become much more expanded in their consciousness and begin to have experiences that are not easily described and are ridiculed. What do you say to them?

THEO: Weed the garden. You’re in an environment that is not accepting the authentic you. There is a place for you with others who are of like-mindedness. Know that there are times that you are with a particular group for learning and it completes. It is not right or wrong, good or bad and it needs not be discussed as negative because you have received some good learning. But when it’s done, it’s time to move on. It’s like the school that you’ve attended. You begin in your elementary education and you do not fight going to the next grade, or the next experience or the next teacher, because you’ve learned all that you were to learn at that level.  It is no different than this. There will always be those of acceptance in your level of experience.

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