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Incoming Energies April 2011: Blue Ray Healing

Incoming Energies April 2011: Blue Ray Healing

Araznu-rebirth_OM-Timesby Deb Graves

Deb Graves
Deb Graves


The messages that have been coming through for the next months have been ones containing multifaceted images. On March 8th the following painting was completed, it took quite some time to finish. It had been a reoccurring project, as each time I attempted to start the faceted images kept continually shifting. Many scenes of huge waves of water, volcanoes, mountains, earthquakes and the sun with solar flares kept coming to me. In the middle of the chaos a crystalline pyramid with the rainbow ray clearly visible, the area inside feels like it is calm and peaceful. I sense it is showing a foundation of what can be, and one word came to me when focusing on the energy within the pyramid that was “Utopia”. Below the pyramid you can see the violet ray surrounding Earth in a heart shaped energy, this is the transmuting the non healed energies. There is also depicted the energy of the galactic center, the central sun, that is activating our shift by pouring forth high vibrations to Earth.

The main message that comes through clearly in this painting is: remain calm, centered and focused even with the chaos that seems to be surrounding you. The similarities to the images to what has now happened in Japan, the earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption and possible nuclear devastation were chilling for me, even down to the way that the amazing Japanese people handled the aftermath of these disasters, cool, calm and community minded.

The next message that came to me was yet another multifaceted image, but this one felt like rebirth. The energy of the phoenix is clearly surrounding the multifaceted gem, with a brilliant ray of light illuminating the way.

Both of the images also flow with a message that I received in the form of poetry in February.

See Also

FACETS DIVINE Feel the power of the creator within, allow this magnificence to flow. Sense the incoming brilliance, as energies begin to grow. These gifts create the glory of love, before returning to the vibrations above. Sharing this knowledge with Creator source, as we continue upon our course. We each are facets of a glorious gem, spread far and wide across space and time, All unique but of the whole, starseeds all from one Divine. As you grow the facets gather, returning home to be complete. Each aspect drawn by magnetic force, as we continue upon our course.

Once complete, at one with all, we Ascend to higher planes. Feel the love of the Creator then, as each reveal thy names. Is this the end, our journey done, To be at one with source? Or once again go journeying as we continue upon our course.

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