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Is Love Enough?

Is Love Enough?

To singletons I always say, I know many times you just can’t help who you are attracted to, but throw in a huge dollop of discernment where you can. What I mean by that is stand back and spectate on a prospective mate and see if who they are and what they are about is likely to make love easy or not! It will save you time and heartache. It is a choice.

When people start dating the key stuff is usually known up front over a bottle of wine or two. Where they live, have they been married, have they got kids. During the honeymoon stage all this seems irrelevant because you just “wanna to be togever”. But as the chemicals of war kick in the next phase, fondly knows as the friction zone, these things are up for discussion and often argued over.

To marrieds and long term daters I would ask…now you know this person you co-habit with, is love enough? Many may say will say yes every time but I am talking to those who may say “errrr no actually.” If you are with someone and life is difficult with your partner/spouse but you “love ’em” ask yourself if you want to spend your life like this or do you want it easier? Assuming you say yes to that, get talking to your partner, always from a place of “I feel” or “what I really need to feel happy is..” Try not to tell them what wrong with what they are doing. Defense lines build that way. If this is where you are at but feel at a loss to know how to go about communicating your concerns then give me a call.

I am always here to offer support and advice and to set the way for a new perhaps renewed path to love or to find a way to say goodbye nicely because love is not enough. I offer a number of ways to help from phone to Skype to 1:1 in person sessions.

No-one said you had to put up with and adapt yourself and even prostitute you heart, for love. You can choose more difficult mates by not seeing or not wanting to see what are really absolute no-no’s for you. Making love easy is a choice. What’s it going to be for you? If you would like to try Conscious Dating and want to connect with a community of like-minded souls on the same path as you, visit

See Also
Unfaithful Person OMTimes


Keywords: Gina Hardy, relationship advise, dating tips, conscious dating, relationships, love dating tips

Pages: 1 2 3
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