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Oracle – Fearlessness

Oracle – Fearlessness

Oracle_OM-TimesApril 2011

by Darity Wesley

The energies and directions for the month of April are evolving around expanding your capacity for “fearlessness.”  “Fearlessness?”  You mean being “fearless?”  Yes, I do!  I think we seem to be given daily opportunities for this experience, don’t you?  If you agree, read on…

Fearlessness is probably a relative new topic of discussion, in human terms, as for years scientists have constantly touted that the only reaction our little lizard brain has to fearful situations is either “fight or flight.” -nothing else.   “The Way It Is…” folks are constantly reminding us “Well, that’s just the way it is.  There is nothing you can do about it.” – but, you know what? Over the past 50 years or so folks have been exploring psychologically, psychically and spiritually the aspects, experiences and manifestations of “fear” and our ability to transmute it!

There was a great book I heard about years ago (published in 1988, updated in 2006) titled “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” by Susan Jeffers, Ph.D.  This book is still appropriate, I think, for someone wanting to explore, integrate and understand “fearlessness” which is what is needed this month of April to help through all the changes coming up.  Susan’s premise is that you can vastly improve your ability to handle any situation moving from a place of pain, paralysis and depression, the feelings that often accompany fear, to one of power, energy and excitement.  Most folks think their inability to deal with fear is a psychological problem, but Susan Jeffers believes it is primarily an educational issue and that by reeducating the mind you can accept fear as simple a fact of life rather than a barrier to success.

See Also

I agree with Susan’s premise because I was run by fear in my early life.  Then I began reeducating myself to face my fears and do it anyway and found such power, such confidence, such exhilaration getting through my pain, the scare, and being okay on the other side of it.  The truth is as we say in the Oracle all the time, you must practice and as my friend Angela Clark reminded me recently: “We have to practice, practice, practice until it becomes our practice.”

Part of practicing engaging in fearlessness is confronting the little voice inside your head the keeps telling you “OMG!!! What’s going to happen if….”  “OMG!!! You better not change your situation, you can’t make it on your own, who do you think you are???”  You know the one I’m talking about, the one who tells you “You might make a mistake and boy will you be sorry.”  — You have to stand up to it.  Tell that voice to “Shut Up!” or “Enough already” or whatever works for you – when you begin this practice you really have to yell at yourself.  You really have to put a lot of energy behind stopping that little voice because it has been in charge for a very long time and when you take it over, you are taking the wheel directing your life path and that thought pattern is pretty well rutted in your thinking mind so those thoughts fear thoughts flow freely until consistently stopped.  As you become more and more fearless, your little voice still tries to creep back in, but you can catch it and with sufficient practice just say “Go away!” with confidence and the fear retreats.  I usually use my regular mantra of Love and Trust, Love and Trust, Love and Trust, over and over, as I step into physical situations that bring me that fear sensation, things I have never done before – stepping into the unknown.

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