The Heart of the Matter: The Age of the Heart Chakra
The heart generates the electricity which transmits the information. The electrical impulse allows it to be “delivered” to the rest of the body.
The heart seems to function with its own innate intelligence. It serves a very high function. It receives, holds, and distributes cosmic information.
As it beats, the electric impulses allow for the movement in two fields to occur- on the physical field it allows for the flow of blood, and on the energetic field it allows for the flow of energy/information.
Blood flows to the brain, in order to allow for the central nervous system to function, by sending it oxygen. Information flows to the mind, allowing for the greater awareness, or expanded consciousness, to be processed and translated into some sort of signals that our brain in turn converts into recognizable language, or expressions of these concepts.
There are two parallel nervous systems being nourished – the physical and the energetic and they both interface.
Through the brain’s translation and processing of the information received from the increased awareness of consciousness, our consciousness becomes incorporated into our physical state of being. It becomes a permanent part of our windows of perception. That is why we “change” and leave our old selves that were more connected to the material world behind.
So consciousness is actually a state of the heart, not the mind. The heart initiates and maintains expanded consciousness, and the mind converts it into something translatable in the brain, so that we can recognize it physically.
I feel that we have entered the Age of the Heart Chakra.
One of the most obvious changes in people going through the ascension symptoms is their inability to “think clearly”. We see this labeled as brain fog, attention deficit problems, and with other labels and tags.
The issue is that the individual is no longer processing information that was coming in strictly from the sensory organs. That is what occurs when we are in brain mode. The ascending individual is now processing information which is being received through the heart and processed through the mind.
That renders the brain as a processor that all of a sudden finds that is has to work with yet another processor that has newer, faster and higher connections. Our brain, which used to be our main computer, is now hooked up with a greater computer that is receiving massive waves of information at incredibly high speeds. A new network has been formed.
We are not going to be able to process all of the information received by the heart until the brain makes the necessary adjustments to work in sync with the heart. Its a physical upgrade that is happening right now. That is why so many of the ascension symptoms are cerebral in nature.

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