Woman, Harness The Power of Your Energy

A Conversation with Donna Eden
Interview by Karen M. Rider, M.A
Women navigate through competing demands on their time and energy: We manage households, businesses, family life and friendships. We talk about how we feel in terms of energy, using terms like “drained” or “blocked.” Likewise, when energy moves harmoniously, we talk about “being in the flow” or “feeling clear.”
Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could directly influence the flow of energy within your body and mind?
You do have the power to direct the flow, balance, and harmony of the energies that course through you and the affect they have on your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
No one knows this better than Energy Medicine (EM) pioneer and bestselling author, Donna Eden. For more than three decades, Donna has been teaching people how to work with the body’s energy systems to reclaim their health and natural vitality. In this interview, Donna talks about her personal healing journey—defying medical odds by overcoming a seemingly fatal condition in her early thirties. She shows how energy is the foundation for all of life and discusses the shift occurring in Western medicine. Finally, to help you keep your energy flowing and vital, Donna shares one of her favorite techniques.
Karen: Tell me more about your journey to heal yourself, and literally, save your own life.
Donna: I’ve always been able to feel the movement of energy in my body—to vividly sense subtle energy. I’ve also had my share of health challenges. As a young child, I was stricken with tuberculosis. I also had severe food allergies, including to root foods—the foods that are supposed to be healthiest to eat. At age 16, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and by my late 20s there were days when I could not speak and other days when I could not walk would just lie in bed spinning and nauseated. Then, at age 27 I had a heart attack because all my organs were breaking down. In my early 30’s several doctors told me to put my affairs in order.
I heard from various specialists, that they couldn’t heal me; there was no hope. Allopathic doctors are the first to admit that they can only try to mask the symptoms of autoimmune illnesses. When the body is fighting the body, Western Medicine doesn’t have the tools to teach the body to heal itself.
Karen: Yet, you were empowered with remarkable hope and perseverance.
Donna: Yes. I was desperate to be the one who brought up my young daughters. I used all I knew about energy to try to heal myself. I would lie on the bed and just try to move the energies down my leg. I’d use my hands and my mind. Slowly, I regained my ability to walk. I was also lucky to encounter some non-traditional healers who really helped me, but largely I was on my own. I found affirmation in Albert Einstein ‘s defining insight that matter is a form of energy. Once I was pretty much better, I wanted to help others and began to study healing traditions from other parts of the world. I studied with John Thie’s Touch for Health Foundation. They showed me how to demonstrate the energies I could feel and see using procedures such as muscle testing or energy testing.

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