Woman, Harness The Power of Your Energy
Karen: What shifts do you see in Western Medicine, today? Donna: The wonderful thing is that shifts are taking place so rapidly now. Doctors have amazing skills and tools, but growing numbers have begun to recognize the limitations of a mechanistic model that ignores the body’s energies and fails to teach effective self-care. I’m humbled now as more physicians attend my classes. They are willing to become beginners again and learn something that is outside of the frameworks they mastered in their own training.
Karen: What is the biggest challenge, presently, in our medical system? Donna: The world we live in takes us off our body’s natural rhythms. Our world is continually interfering with the body’s natural process as well as its ability to heal itself. 17,000 chemicals go into our foods that were not in the food chain when we were evolving, and the body doesn’t know whether to treat them as nourishment or as invaders. [M]an-made electromagnetic energies interfere with the delicate energetic balances necessary for our bodies to stay healthy. We evolved to use our muscles and our lung capacities, but we live sedentary lives. The body struggles to adapt; it is no wonder that we feel exhausted, lacking all of our natural vitality, falling prey to illnesses that did not exist for our ancestors. The medical system has to pick up the pieces. In some ways, it does a great job. We have eradicated so many infectious diseases. In other ways, our medical system fails miserably.
One of the ways it fails is that it doesn’t teach patients how to heal themselves. That is not its emphasis. Cultivating prevention and self-care empowers people, making them less dependent on treatment. Historically, Western Medicine took the route of mechanism. The body is broken so you come to the doctor to fix it. This had its place, but it is time for the system to evolve! Until it does, it falls on each one of us has to learn how to take care of our own health in ways conventional health care doesn’t at this point.
Karen: What is the essence of your work, now? Donna: It is and has always been to empower people to help themselves. What is new is that so many of the people who have studied with me now have their own healing practices and are teaching classes on Energy Medicine in their local communities. We’ve developed a 2-Year comprehensive Certification Program in Energy Medicine and hundreds of people are enrolled at any point in time.
What is also great is how many people write us to tell us what they accomplished based on what they learned simply by reading the Energy Medicine book. We received a note from someone in a cystic fibrosis blog that people who have had lung transplants were realizing great benefit from studying what is in the book alone. None of them ever studied with us or had private sessions. People I’ve never laid eyes on say they have learned to harness and manage their energies in all manner of situations. Karen: Describe the energy practices for women that you suggest as part of a wellness plan Donna: Like most all techniques in EM, the routines in my books include tapping, massaging, twisting, or connecting specific energy points on the skin. You also will learn how to move the hand along specific energy pathways. There are movement exercises and postures designed to achieve specific energetic effects. I also show techniques to focus the mind. There are techniques for surrounding an area with healing energies and I show how to have a positive impact on the energies of your friends and family and, if you are a health care professional, on your clients.
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