Despacho Ceremony
by Carey Stokes
We communicate that at the deepest level of energy and connection to creation and the Creator of all things in the visible and invisible worlds.
In the Andean tradition, important beginnings very often involve a ceremony called a “Despacho” ceremony.
The Despacho ceremony is one of focus and reminds us of our connection to all living energy. We identify what we want our lives, and the life of our community, to be about.
Created with love, this ceremony brings us in alignment with our goals and intentions returning us to harmony and balance. Sometimes these ceremonies are performed to communicate a specific need: a healing; assistance in a birth, the success of a season’s crop, a marriage, or an important event.
Although there are many types of Despachos, the most commonly practiced is the “Ayni” Despacho. Anyi means right relationship; therefore, the ceremony is done as a form of reciprocity.
Sequences of items are placed in white paper, each representing the dedication of some aspect of life, back to the wholeness. The process itself is an opportunity to reflect for all whom participate. All have the opportunity to put in their hopes, dreams, intentions and gratitude.
It allows us to remember and honor the connections we share with all beings, elements, spirits, and sacred places. Through offerings to Mother Earth (Pachamama), the mountains (apus), and other spirits of nature, this sacred ceremony brings participants into alignment with their personal intent, the group intent, with gratitude to the earth, the mountains, and the Great Mystery, our source of life, which supports us in all our endeavors.
Expressing our intent through this form of sacred ceremony, we start at the literal, move to the mythic and transform at the energetic. It also brings participants into internal alignment with the seven charkas.
At the deepest level, it is an opportunity to enter into the essential unity of all things, the living energy of the universe. Experiencing sacred communication to the forces of nature that awaken and empower our full potential.
Participants form “kintus” (groups of three leaves), and with their own breath, place their prayers and offerings into these ‘kintus,” which are add to the ceremonial bundle.
Here the Despacho takes the form of a very beautiful prayer offering bundle.
Once completed, the bundle is then wrapped and used to clear ones luminous energy field. Later the bundle is burned in a scared fire ceremony, releasing all prayers and gratitude to the Creator/Source, harmonizing the community and strengthening the luminous fibers that connect us all.
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Carey Stokes along with his wife Elsa is a presenter at the 2011 Spiritual Awakening Conference (formerly the Universal Lightworkers Conference) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Friday, June 10th – Sunday, June 12th.

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