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Has Your Honey Got The Eye?

Has Your Honey Got The Eye?

How do you fix it?

The danger with people having the perceived eye is that their partners can get triggered into enormous reactions sometimes and many times have I seen a painful fracas erupt in public.

  1. First and all. HOLD ON! If you think your honey’s eye is ‘a roving then bring it to their attention with gentle awareness. If you accuse, judge and criticize then what reaction do you expect back? Easier said than done I hear you, but a conscious relationship always focuses on the relational space and asks “how can I bring this to the attention of my partner without wounding them?”
  2. EXPLAIN HOW YOU FEEL and NOT what they are doing to upset you. What you think they may be up to is only your assumption. We can get it so wrong at this point so stick to what you are feeling inside.
  3. ASK for what you need to help you feel better. People usually react to feeling very unsafe when they see their honey with the eye because fear of losing them to someone else, is foremost in their minds. Ask your honey to give you a cuddle or a kiss to help you feel safe when you are out, for example.
  4. EXPLORE what they are thinking and feeling and LISTEN without butting in. Many people interject, talk over and butt their partners. attempts to talk and that can quickly degenerate into arguments. You could choose to mirror (repeat back to them) what they are saying so you really get it. It is surprising how many of us get it wrong!
  5. ASK QUESTIONS about the relationship and where you feel it is going and what your goals are for it. Here you may find that you or your partner just has different views and one of you isn’t really up for the long term. So many people avoid this discussion but, my dears, if you never find out, years can be wasted, affairs may happen and a whole dollop of heartache can happen.
  6. BE CLEAR about your boundaries. What doesn’t feel right? Chatting up other people when you are together is not an acceptable thing in the relationship. The more you are clear about what you want and will and won.t accept, the healthier the relationship and usually the more your partner will respect you. Some people push the boundaries as much as they can because their beau doesn’t know how far they can go. You experience more love in a boundaried relationship. Trust me.

People with the eye can be saying a whole load of things to people around them, not least their partners. At the end of the day, the ancient saying “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” holds very true here. If you have the eye then what is you doing to your man/women and vice versa? The beauty of conscious relationships is being able to step into each other’s shoes every time.

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