Magic and the Art of Trust
Radical or Natural Trust?
Was Muramoto coming from radical trust? How radical was it really? After all, no one was hurt in the slightest by all the novice needlers. Or was he coming from natural trust? … In himself? In the Universe? In his natural connection to Universal Knowing? In our natural connection to our Universal Knowing? After years of experimenting selection to separate the wheat from the chaff, the people ready to open their intuitive skills and those not yet ripe. Within his invitation to dive into the cold, dark sea was an opportunity to trust the moment, to trust our bodies to the ocean, and to trust our heartfelt desire for growth. Those who chose to trust that moment with healing similar to his style, I’ve concluded that Muramoto was demonstrating to us the magic of the art of trust: He allowed natural (divine) of opportunity and empowerment received a second invitation: Muramoto offered each of us a chance to trust our instincts to needle another person’s body in just the right places.
And, as patients, we each had to drop into that same space of trust to allow a novice to play doctor sticking their needles in our bodies. (In the standard acupuncture schools, students must study anatomy, physiology and needle theory for months-often years-before they are given needles to treat someone.) In that class Muramoto taught us natural trust. Trust in our own knowing nature.
On that night I learned from this wise, modern-day samurai that I can trust my inner guidance. Ever since I’ve put my intuition to good use with every client-and with every challenging life situation that’s come down my path.
Keith Varnum is a Free spirit, bon vivant, Matrix Energetics Certified Practitioner, Life Coach, author, public speaker, seminar leader, and Vision Quest Guide in Sedona AZ.
Keith Varnum is a keynote speaker at the Universal Lightworkers 2011 Spiritual Awakening Conference from June 10th-12th in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. For additional information and to register, go to:
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Great story!!