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Deborah King, The Transcendent Shaman

Deborah King, The Transcendent Shaman


Then my quest led me to someone who did energy healing. I had a series of sessions with this healer, and the “miracle” occurred—my cancer went into total remission!

How had the cancer disappeared?

That question led me to my new life. I devoted the next several decades to a study of healing (while still working as a lawyer to pay my way). I learned “distance healing” with an esoteric Christian group; learned advanced forms of meditation and studied the ancient wisdom of the Vedas; I graduated from a Mystery School, where I focused on the chakra system, the human energy field, and “hands-on” healing. I also traveled far and wide to study with masters and shamans in Nepal, Tibet, Brazil, and elsewhere. Finally, I put together everything I had learned into my own powerful healing technique.

As I looked back over the course my life had taken, I realized that everything I had experienced—all the abuse, the addictions, the cancer—were the foundations for becoming a “wounded healer.” And being a lawyer? Well, it turned out that the focused intent that wins lawsuits is just what is needed to effect transformations in healing.

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Life is about transformation—becoming more conscious, becoming more of who we really are. Believe me, if I could change my life so completely, so can you. And your pendulum will help point the way.

DEBORAH KING is a master healer, teacher, attorney, and New York Times best-selling author of Be Your Own Shaman, takes you on a one-of-a-kind journey into the powerful esoteric world of healing. Deborah brings her knowledge and experiential workshops to audiences worldwide, hosts a popular weekly Hay House radio show, and offers an online program, 21st Century Energy Medicine for those who are interested in healing themselves or others. Deborah is featured regularly in broadcast, online, and print media, blogs for the Huffington Post and Psychology Today, and makes frequent appearances on national TV, where she comments with both wisdom and humor on issues concerning health and wellness.  Connect with Deborah at:

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