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Getting Information from a Pendulum

Getting Information from a Pendulum

Getting Information from a Pendulum

by Deborah King



“[A] great tool for receiving information that isn’t available through the normal five senses is dowsing with a pendulum . . . it increases your sensitivity to energy flow by acting as an amplifier.” ~Deborah King, Be Your Own Shaman

Everyone has questions. Should I keep seeing that guy I met recently? Is wheat really bad for me? Should I move to Austin or L.A.? Would getting a dog be the best way to relieve my stress? No external “expert” knows the right answer for you, so to really know what works best for your highest good, you have to depend on your own inner guidance.

How do you access guidance from your Higher Self? Well, one tried and true method is through the use of a pendulum. Especially when you are new to working in the “invisible” realms, a pendulum can give you excellent feedback for your questions by connecting you to higher sources of information.

Anyone can learn to use a pendulum. Like with anything new, the learning curve will certainly include some errors, but if you practice until you and your pendulum know each other well, you will find it to be a valuable tool for your personal growth. And later you can use it as a diagnostic tool to evaluate what’s happening in someone else’s energy centers.

See Also

The Best Type of Pendulum

When first starting out, the best pendulum is conically-shaped and made of beechwood, rather than one of metal or stone. (You can order one at; they are specially made by hand and properly cleared to give you really accurate information.) It takes a lot of training to use crystal pendulums in particular because they can actually “cut” a chakra. You could also make your own pendulum by hanging a weight (a piece of conical wood is best) on a piece of thread 6-8 inches long and knotting the thread where the pendulum’s swing feels best to you.

How to Use the Pendulum

Carry your new pendulum around in your pocket for a few days so it begins to resonate with your individual energy. Bless it each and every time you use it. For example, you might invoke your spiritual guides and the higher beings that can help influence the movement of the pendulum.

Hold the string between your thumb and forefinger and let the pendulum hang down. It shouldn’t be touching anything and your hand and arm should be completely still. When the pendulum stops its natural movement, you can ask a “yes” question, like “Is my name Deborah?” I know the answer to that one is yes, so I note how the pendulum begins to move: side to side, clockwise or counterclockwise. This movement will always be my “yes” answer; yours may well be different. Ask a few more sample questions where you know the answer is yes, then follow the same procedure with a few “no” questions and note which direction the pendulum moves in.

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