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Twelve Cosmic Clues

Twelve Cosmic Clues

Twelve Cosmic Clues

By Lonny J. Brown, HHC



1.  All Life Is ONE. It is Sentience itself which evolves.  Like a million spider webs in a hall of mirrors, every “thing” is directly connected and intimately related to everything else.

2.  All Time Is NOW. Infinity is right here.  Past, present and future are inseparable.  Only the present moment is real.

3.  Consciousness is Omnipresent and Omniscient Mind creates the world. Light is slow thought.  Matter is slow light.

4.  Energy Follows Thought. We are creating reality and our destiny every moment.  Intention is everything.  You are your own spiritual placebo.

5.  Creation is Constant Change Intelligence is absolute and all pervasive.  From emptiness, pattern informs structure.  All form is temporary. All duality is false.

6.  You Are Already Perfect. You are a manifestation of the Living Spirit of the Universe. The Universe is your home. You are never alone.

7.  Love is All You Need. Beauty is everywhere.  The mundane is Divine.  Everyone is The Guru in drag.

See Also

8.  Your Body is Sacred. You grew it, though you never knew it.  By a trick of attention, you have come to believe that the body contains you, when actually, you contain it.

9.  Pleasure is No Sin. The body is a temple of the senses.  Intensity in Joy is a brilliant shortcut to the spiritual.  Desire can blind or enlighten.

10. Pain is the greatest teacher Much of our suffering is unnecessary.  This too shall pass.  There is power in surrender.

11.  There is nothing to fear. Death is like the punch-line at the end of a good joke.

12.  It’s ALL Right. It’s an imperfect existence in a perfect Universe.  Though we find ourselves in unforeseen change and upheaval, we’re still OK. Life is always worth the trouble.  Happiness is not only possible, but good for you.

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