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A New Way of Tarot

A New Way of Tarot

Get Unstuck from Life Patterns that Impede the Soul’s Growth

Article by Karen Hollis

(Editor’s Note:  To see all the pictures associated with this article, including the Reuben Pattern, visit the full multimedia edition:  OM Times July & 1/2 Edition)

Learning the lesson inherent in every situation is the key to living a life of enduring happiness. Over the 25 years I have worked as a professional intuitive, conducting both Tarot readings and mediumship sessions, I have observed patterns—problems and possibilities—emerge from the life questions and quandaries that clients bring to the reading room. These Tarot “Life Patterns” play out in situations and relationships and bring about emotional pain. A common element among people who come for readings is to seek relief from the anguish caused by a Life Pattern and to understand why that Pattern is active in their life.

Tarot, Vices and the Soul

For those not familiar, the Tarot Deck is an ancient tool of Divination that evolved during early Christian  times, when the Church was focused on instructing its followers on moral dilemmas and humanity’s tendency to sin. As such, the Tarot Deck contains symbolism related to the “7 Deadly Sins,” also known as the “Capital Vices.” The currently recognized version of the list includes the following vices: envy, greed, gluttony, lust, pride, sloth and wrath. Remarkably, the Tarot can reveal the relationship between these vices and the Life Patterns that cause us to get stuck, disempowering the growth of the soul.

It may be helpful to think of the Tarot as a symbolic language that has within it, like the Da Vinci Code, a road map for avoiding unhappiness and attaining true happiness and fulfillment in life. From this vantage point, it is easier to comprehend the presence of the Vices within the cards and at work in one of eight Life Patterns These Life Patterns occur in, among other scenarios, relationship struggles, family inheritance squabbles, in the role money plays in relationship to ego and self-worth, in the quest for love and in maintaining boundaries with other people. (see Side Bar)

The Tarot Deck, in the hands of a skilled professional, taps the subconscious mind. As a result, the Pattern revealed in reading the cards casts a bright light on the truth of what is creating your pain and impeding the soul’s growth. By exploring the deeper meanings of the Life Patterns that cause you to feel stuck in life, you can summon the power within you to take meaningful action – furthering your soul’s journey.

My way of Tarot empowers a person identify and examine the Pattern they are currently experiencing. If they understand how mental and emotional energy is being drained from them, into a situation that engages one of the seven vices, then they can choose to do something to change their situation. Sadly, not everyone who recognizes the consequences of staying stuck will choose to change. Here’s an example:

The “I’ll have the Reuben” Pattern is the most destructive and, perhaps, the most riveting. This Life Pattern is seen in the relationship between caretaker and the person they are caring for—be it a daughter caring for an ailing parent; a parent caring for an adult child, or a spouse caring for her ill partner. What’s important here are the consequences of the pattern of relationship between both the caretaker and the person being cared for.

What is typical in this situation is the caretaker “feels good,” at first, because they are constantly giving; this satisfies a need they have within themselves. The caretaker exhibits the vice of pride in their ability to help another. Inadvertently, they maybe be undermining the other person’s capability to get well or to move forward with their life. The caretaker is not allowing the one who is cared for to self-actualize and fulfill their soul’s purpose. After all, there’s no motivation to get well or change in other ways if your every need is being met. For the person being cared for, their life lesson is tied to the vice sloth. This person becomes comfortable not having to do for himself or herself and begins to rely on and even use the other person to fulfill their needs.

“I’ll have the Reuben” is a Life Pattern based on a client story of a 34-year old man who I call “Rueben,” (hence the play on words). “Reuben” had lived off of the auspices of his girlfriend for many years. When the girlfriend kicked him out of her apartment, Reuben moved in with his mother, who perpetuated his sloth. His mother made his meals, ran his bath, cleaned his room, provided him with money, bought him a motorcycle, and catered to him in many other ways all the while laying on guilt for any moment that Reuben was out of her site or not expressing eternal gratitude. She literally “babied Reuben to death” in that he eventually committed suicide.

Not all Life Patterns lead to such devastating ends, but this potent example shows how not understanding why we are stuck and not becoming empowered to change stifles, or in the case of Reuben, destroys the soul.

How does a person get unstuck?

When the pain of being held hostage by a Pattern exceeds the motivation to maintain the status quo, a person is ready for change. During a way of Tarot reading, clients are invited to explore questions for self-reflection and growth pertaining to the Pattern revealed in the reading. This empowers them to examine the motivation that allows them to accept the pain a Pattern brings into their life. From here, if a client so chooses, they can brainstorm alternatives that will free them from that Pattern and move their soul further on its journey.

Are the Soul’s Life Patterns Predetermined?

I do believe the Life Patterns we each face here on earth are predetermined, as a part of what is intended for the soul to grow toward enlightenment. I also believe it may be possible to experience additional Patterns, during our human lifetime, if it is in the soul’s best interest to learn the lesson taught through a particular Pattern.

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spirit guides OMTimes

If you find that, even though the people or the places in your life change, you experience the same kind frustration, sadness, grief and pain time and again, you may be experiencing one of the eight Life Patterns. The way of Tarot can help you break free of that Pattern and find more joy in life. For people who are seeking deeper self-knowledge on their journey toward a conscious, soulful and happy life, the way of Tarot has much to offer.


THE WAY OF TAROT: 8 Life Patterns

  1. The Gilded Cage: Are you compromising your personal integrity by staying in a relationship that is unhealthy or deceitful for the purpose of financial security and ego gratification?
  2. Mom Loved You Best:  Do you equate the depth of a parent’s love by the size of the inheritance left to you? Or the way other siblings are treated?
  3. Playin’ with the Queen of Hearts: Do you obsess over relationships, even after they end?
  4. Dead or Alive:  Are you unable to come to terms with the loss of a loved one?
  5. Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves:  Do you experience “use and abuse” by friends, co-workers or loved ones?
  6. La Mirage:  Do you feel unfulfilled despite all that you have acquired in life?
  7. For Better, For Worse or Just for Now:  Do you bounce from one “soul mate” to the next, never finding true happiness with any of them?
  8. I’ll have the Ruben:  Do you perpetually “take care of” others with no thought for your dreams, needs or self-care?


Karen Hollis is one of CT’s most highly regarded professional intuitive. She has 25 years’ experience as a clairaudient medium and Tarot Reader. A former marketing executive, Karen leads dynamic workshops throughout New England. She is writing her first book The Way of Tarot: Explore Your Life Patterns and Find Your Way to Happiness.

Contact Karen for your Way of Tarot reading. (860) 665-8024

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Karen M. Rider, M.A. has had conversations with many of today’s visionary thinkers and pioneers in integrative medicine, energy medicine and metaphysics. She has published feature interviews, articles, essays and reviews in popular regional and national magazines. Karen provides ghostwriting and co-writing services for conscious entrepreneurs and holistic health practitioners. She is writing her first novel, The Gathering, set at Gillette Castle in Connecticut. Web:

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