The Art of Embracing Change

Do you tend to resist change, even when you know it’s for the best? Does even a small alteration to your day-to-day routine make you wish you could just curl up in a closet?
Embracing Change No Matter What
Change is an inevitable fact of life. Sometimes we long for it; other times we dread or avoid it. Either way, change can send even the most serene of us into a tizzy, wishing we could plant our feet in the sand and stop time so things stay the same. Change is often an uncomfortable process that brings up a lot of resistance and worry, but it’s also the beginning of something great.
Like so many of us, “Sarah” was a creature of habit. Over the last seven years, her life had been static. She lived in the same quaint one bedroom; though she was admittedly tired of it, she rationalized that she couldn’t move because the rent it so cheap. She also had the same boring job for eons; she’d come to dread going to work but didn’t want to leave because her company offered such good benefits. She started every day with a boiled egg and finished each evening with a lean cuisine in front of the TV. All the time in between was pretty much the same as well. In short, Sarah was stuck, bored, and unhappy. While her intuition prodded her to make some change (really any change), she just couldn’t seem to budge from the comfortable little cocoon she was living in… until recently when a friend gave her an incredibly fantastic birthday gift. No, not a trip to Cabo, but I’d like to think this present was equally refreshing—it was a 30-minute reading with me!
I immediately saw that Sarah was in The Ghostlands, the metaphorical landscape we all end up in when we stay stuck in our heads and avoid action. As I talk about in my new book, The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life, the
Ghostlands is a place where no emotional growth or healing occurs in your life. In Sarah’s case, she was so focused on avoiding any possible pain and staying comfortable that she’d become stuck in her head. By resisting the changes she was being nudged to make, her life had become stagnant. Instead of embracing the adventure on her path, she’d disengaged from her intuition and disconnected from Spirit. And so, she was missing out on opportunities for healing and growth as well as the amazing blessings the Divine had in store for her.
Does Sarah’s experience resonate with you?
Change is one of the great paradoxes of our human experience. While we long for the safety of the familiar, everything is constantly in flux. Change is always happening and no matter how much we try to resist it, it’s an inevitable truth in each of our lives. It must happen, and you must allow it to happen. By resisting it, we only create struggle in our lives.
Change empowers us to accept, embrace, and welcome the new. And it asks us to let go, release and find peace with what has changed.
I like to think of change as a Divine gift. Whether it’s a transition we’re being called to make on our path or curveballs that seem to come out of nowhere, there is always something greater on the other side. Even when that change is heartbreak or loss, we will eventually discover a nugget of good, such as newfound strength or a lesson to help us be more empowered on our journey.
If you want to harness your power to create your life, you must overcome fear and inertia and embrace change. No matter how much of a change-avoider you are now, you really can learn to welcome it. Change is a bit like a muscle, which you can strengthen with a shift in perspective and a little bit of practice.
So, Sarah and I got to work on strengthening her change muscles. I told her that I saw lots of excitement on her path, including a new job and move, but in order for anything to happen, she had to embrace her life as an adventure and trust the Mystery.
Build your change muscles! Here’s my “workout” for shifting your perspective and embracing change. (You may want to use your journal to explore each step.)
1. Accept what is. Remember, resistance and struggle only comes from not accepting what is. Acknowledge what needs to change and trust your intuition. Make a list of what needs to change in your life, or what is in the midst of changing.
2. Repeat after me: “Good will come from this.” You may think that the world is out to get you by throwing you a curveball or that you’ll fail if you step out of your comfort zone, but that’s all hogwash! The truth is that endings always yield new beginnings. Change isn’t here to hurt or torture you, it’s to bring new experiences, people, space, and growth into your life. Think of changes you’ve experienced in the past. What good came from them? What good do you hope will come from your present transition?
3. Trust in the Mystery: Remember, Spirit is always on your side, working magic that your human eyes can’t see. You don’t have to know how things will turn out, all you need to do is ask for guidance and trust. Can you think of a time when you were in a transition and things fell into place just like that?
4. Meditate and breathe: Remember that even in the midst of radical transformations, the Self remains stable and unchanging. No matter what’s going on around you, you can always tap into its wise guidance and calm through meditation and breathing.
5. Just do something!: Even small steps build up muscle. So rather than wallow around in the same routine, get out of your comfort zone a little by mixing things up. Take up a new hobby, wear something you didn’t think you could pull off, take a different route home, etc. Small changes add up to getting unstuck and stepping onto your highest path!
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About the Author
Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally renowned intuitive counselor, educator and best selling Hay House author who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential, and purpose.
Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally renowned intuitive counselor, educator and best selling Hay House author who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential and purpose. Powerful motivational speaker, charismatic broadcast personality, and acclaimed performer, storyteller and recording artist, Colette uses her extraordinary spiritual gifts to empower her clients to live a life that is ‘awake and authentic’ and to create a reality that is spiritual, deliberate and meaningful.