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Feng Shui for Summer Romance

Feng Shui for Summer Romance

Plan a summer makeover of yourself and your home to find love

by Ken Lauher

There’s a reason “summer” and “romance” often go together. Since childhood, we’ve been conditioned to view summer as a break from routine, a time of leisure and a chance to reinvent ourselves in preparation for the fall. If you’ve had a hard time finding love, or at least, the right type of love, it may be time to reinvent yourself this summer with the goal of connecting with your true soul mate. I’m not necessarily talking about a physical makeover (although that can make you feel good about yourself, walk with more confidence and, as a result, attract love). You can use Feng Shui on yourself and your environment to align your outer self and your space with your goal of attracting romance. Here’s how.

Feng Shui your wardrobe for romance.

The colors we wear say a lot about our emotions and our chi, or life energy. When the colors of your clothes match your chi, it creates a more attractive combination because our outer self is in alignment with our inner self. This is what someone means when they say, “That’s your color.”

Because our chi can change from day to day, the colors we look and feel best in may also change. But it also works the opposite way — we can change our thought patterns and our chi by wearing different clothes. The clothing we select can bring out certain strengths: tenderness, honesty, intelligence, etc.

Traditionally, red, pink and peach are considered Feng Shui colors for romance. Any of these colors can help you attract a mate, but keep in mind:

– Red tells the world you are open to a passionate romance

– Pink, red’s softer companion, may be the best color to attract a long-term, solid love relationship, or, if you’re in a relationship, to encourage marriage

– Peach is a fun color, which will help you attract lots of romantic prospects but may not be the best color for a long-term relationship

You may also want to dress in the colors that represent or enhance the characteristics of the type of person you want to date:

– Black for intelligence and studiousness

– Green or blue for compassion

– Multi-colored floral prints for someone who is talkative and social

– Yellow for loyalty, honesty and honor

To start your summer makeover, go through your closet and pick out the clothes that symbolize the person you want to be. Those are the keepers.

Regardless of the colors, get rid of anything that doesn’t fit anymore or doesn’t make you feel attractive. This opens space in your closet to build the wardrobe that represents a new you — ready for romance and open to opportunities!

Feng Shui Your Home or Apartment There are many steps you can take to use Feng Shui in your home to attract romance into your life. We’ll talk about a few of them here, but I share even more tips to attract love in my eBook, Feng Shui Secrets: What Everyone Should Know About How to Be Successful with Feng Shui.

One of the first steps to attracting romance into your life is creating a home or apartment where you are comfortable, right now. Too many women and men wait to make any changes to their living space in case they meet someone and wind up moving or redecorating. First, take time to create a space where you – and you alone – can be happy. Envision your dream home or apartment and take steps to build that. The idea is to live “as if” you are as happy as you will be when you find the partner of your dreams. That will put you in the state of mind of “having” rather than “wanting,” and that’s when you’ll see love flowing toward you. It is only when we stop wanting and acknowledge that everything we desire is already ours that we begin to live according to our true purpose and attract everything we deserve in live.

As one of the three most important areas of a home, your main entrance should be considered when you Feng Shui your home for romance. Does your door open a full 90 degrees? Having a door that opens all the way is crucial to creating opportunities in the areas of our life where we place the greatest focus. Since meeting the right partner is a lot about creating that opportunity to actually meet him or her, you want a Feng Shui entrance that doesn’t block opportunities and new people from entering your life.

When you bring a new partner home, you want him or her to feel welcome and comfortable. A wide open entry, painted in light pastels and well-lit, makes people comfortable when they enter your home or apartment. If you have a small entryway, a wall mirror can open the space psychologically. Just make sure that anyone entering or leaving your home can see their whole face in the mirror and it’s not cutting off the top of the head of even your tallest guest.

As in the case of hanging a mirror on the wall, changes to your home or apartment don’t have to be expensive. It’s amazing what throw pillows can do if you add them to a sofa you don’t like, or how fresh paint on the walls can give a whole new look to any room.

Adding fresh flowers — especially red roses or other red or pink flowers — to your home energizes the chi. Consider placing fresh flowers in the romance corner of your home and again in the romance trigram of your master bedroom, living room, and anywhere else you spend a lot of time. Remember to replace the flowers before they die.

Finally, as you bring your home into better alignment with your desire for romance, consider your master bedroom. This is one of the three most important areas of a home, and is especially important when it comes to relationships. Take a look at what’s in the romance & marriage trigram of the Feng Shui Ba Gua when you lay it over your master bedroom. What are the items in that area of your home saying? If you haven’t met your true love yet, you may not like the stories your romance trigram tells, either. If this is the case, clear out the space and add a pair of red scented candles in pretty candleholders, two matching items that represent love to you, or fresh cut flowers in a symmetrical arrangement.

Keep in mind, items in the romance trigram should be in twos, but don’t make the space look like Noah’s Ark, either. Attract chi to that area with flowers, light or anchoring objects that will reinforce your focus on attracting romance.

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Also make sure your bed is in the command position of the room, so that you can see the door from your bed but the bed is not directly facing the door. The best size bed to attract romance is a queen size bed. A twin or full-size bed is too small to welcome a partnership; while a king size bed can lead to break-ups. The Feng Shui principle states that once you’re in a king size bed, there’s nowhere else to go but down.

A Feng Shui headboard should be made of one solid piece — wood or a cloth material in a pleasing, calming color. (Or a muted shade of red or pink to encourage romance in the bedroom.) The headboard should be firmly attached to the bed for practical and safety purposes, as well as to create a sense of security, protection and stability that will lead to better romance and a better night’s sleep.

A Feng Shui headboard should not be made up of individual posts, giving it a crib-like quality. If you’re stuck with a headboard like this, though, you can wrap cloth ribbons around the posts to soften the effect of those “bars” behind your head.

Avoid storage headboards where you might be tempted to place books, electronics or other objects that can introduce too much yang energy and interfere with a good night’s sleep and with romance. Learn more about using Feng Shui in the bedroom in this article about more ways to Feng Shui your bed.

Feng Shui Your Habits

The final step to your summer makeover to attract romance is about your inner self rather than your outward environment. You can change your habits and mindset — one step at a time — to increase your opportunities to meet potential partners and open your mind and heart to romance.

With your new Feng Shui wardrobe and a home that helps you feel well-rested, comfortable and secure, it’s time to begin walking with more confidence.

Spend time each day visualizing your perfect relationship. The greater detail you explore, the more real it will feel to you, which will make it easier to evoke the emotions you will have in that relationship. Write down what is most important to you in a mate, and imagine how it will feel to be with a person with those qualities.

Then, make it a point to change your habits to put you in places where you can meet romantic prospects. Maybe this means taking a course at the local college, shopping someplace new, or saying “yes” to that blind date when your best friend offers to set you up. You can read more about the best places to meet men and women in this article: 3 Places to Find the Love Of Your Life This Summer In a new home environment and with a new wardrobe, you may find it easier to incorporate new habits into your life. Remember, begin to live “as if” you already have everything you desire, including romance, and you’ll find the Universe aligning itself to meet your expectations.

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Ken Lauher is one of the foremost Feng Shui consultants today. He consults for many famous people and many more not so famous people and is the author of Feng Shui Secrets: What Everyone Should Know About How To Be Successful With Feng Shui.

He advises individuals, businesses and organizations on how to implement practical
Feng Shui solutions to help you achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.  His inspiring work with well known actors, actresses, TV hosts, singers, songwriters, CEO’s, businesses, and corporations has made him a sought-after speaker on Feng Shui and life enhancement.  Based in New York City, Ken works with local, national and international clients.

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