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My Stolen Moment, My Miracle to Share

My Stolen Moment, My Miracle to Share

My life is forever changed. I grew spiritually in ways that are beyond words. I have so much more to tell about this story, which involves the doctors, the labs, the geneticists, my dearest friends, my truest friends, the love and support I received from so many people, and yet could not help but to feel alone by the system, and some of the members of the medical community. I felt like I was a mere lab result. When it was all over, and the baby was about 5 months old, I needed to understand what had happened to me. I tried to get an answer from the geneticists. I wanted to know if anyone else had gone through what I had experienced, and the person that answered one of my calls said, “You should leave this alone. You got your healthy baby, TAKE YOUR MIRACLE AND RUN. You won’t change a thing.” My heart stopped, I took a deep breath and I said “I strongly disagree with you.” And I hung up.

Please understand that until I knew that the baby was fine I was just like someone who did not know what to expect. I also know that there are many people who have the exact opposite happen to them. They start with a healthy pregnancy and end up with a tragedy. Still, it took a lot to just “let it go” and accept the predicament I found myself in. Along the way I met some wonderful people. And I believe that this miracle happened “to” my life and to the lives of everyone I told. My baby is a miracle for all babies are, and true miracle also lies in the hands of those who carry their journey forth to touch the lives of others and possibly make a difference in someone else’s outcome.

Please, help me pass this story along. I do not want to be praised. I just don’t believe that I should be commended for bravery. I want to tell the world that if you seek help, you can find it. I want to tell the world that a life is worthwhile even when we don’t have all the answers. The world doesn’t always offer it clearly. I wish to have heard a story like mine so I could have had more courage and then could have avoided missing out on the one chance I had to look at my baby’s face when she was first born, just like I did with all the others. I am so grateful for all I’ve been granted, and I have learned to live with “my stolen moment” and now what matters to me is that I am 100% committed to telling the world about “My Smallest and most PERFECT Dream.”

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