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The Power of Silence

The Power of Silence

Talk Less, and Talk Mindfully

By Baba Shuddhaananadaa Brahmachari

The Power of Silence is beyond expression. It can only be experienced in the inner shrine of our own hearts when the heart opens to the Universal Presence of the Divine and sings the melody of soundless sound that is called Anahat Naad, unstuck sound, in Yoga philosophy.

When we talk unnecessarily, which most of us do frequently, we waste a lot of our energy. Instead, when we speak sparingly, sharing only our best thoughts, we start conserving our energy that transmutes itself into the Power of Silence and spiritual powers. To those who seek peace and happiness as they practice meditation and prayerfulness, the desire to talk and talk and talk, in a vain attempt to prove one’s own existence, becomes less and less important.

If you do not waste your time in passing your judgment and making comments about others in the world, you are creating yourself less bad karma. As you practice, your need to talk lessens, and as a result, you become introspective and vigilant about your inner thoughts. As you non-judgmentally keep watching your thoughts, contemplating the higher values of life, a state of silence descends on your mind and that quietude, and its beatitude, surrounds you. In that meditative state, your body and mind are healed beyond comprehension.

However, most people are habitual talkers; they would find controlling their mind for peaceful meditation an insurmountable task. The moment their mind is externalized, they start chasing the desires of the mind, become judgmental of themselves and others, and fall from the state of silence. A restless, chattering mind can never pray nor can it hear the voice of Silence. It is said when your mind is calm you can listen to the Word of God. Remember the goal is to talk less, and carefully choose the words you need. Thereby you will conserve a lot of energy which will help you to calm your mind and enter the Golden Shrine of Silence.

All techniques of meditation and prayer are basically training for your mind to be quiet, to be silent so that you can hear the voice of God. A Meditative Mind is the mind that is ever absorbed in the Mind Essence. It is responsive and not reactive. It is compassionate and loving, ever flowing from inside out, ever in bliss, being established in the Blissful Being.

When the mind that chatters all the time is focused on something that gradually calms it and brings it to its inner, purer, more sublime essence, it levitates into spheres of Higher Light that are the essence of Pure Mind. When the mind stops its waving, rippling, it settles down, thought ceases, and quiet serenity descends.

See Also
Heart Meditation

Practice meditation and prayerfulness, meditate upon your Self, pray with all surrender and you will realize that state of Silence. From the subtlest to the most intense sound, all are emanations from the one Divine source which the Hindus call as Brahman. The words you utter come from the same source, that’s the reason you have to be very cautious while speaking words. Words have infinite power for they are manifest shabda (Sanskrit for speech or voice) Brahman. When you talk less, your few carefully chosen words will bring blessedness to the world and will bring you ever closer in worship to Brahman, or God.

Therefore, your first goal is outer Silence, and then inner Silence. As you stop unnecessary words, and unwanted thoughts, you will experience this benediction of Silence. God is kind and ever available to anyone who wants to reach out to Him/Her while going through the mundane life on earth. Blessed are they who have tested the nectar of Divine Silence, which is the only way to hear the footsteps of God in the shrine of our hearts.

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