Ask Whitedove
~Writer in Weston
Dear Writer,
Speaking from my own encounter when I had a Near Death Experience; when we cross over we are greeted by our loved ones and members of our soul family initially. Of course Guardian Angels are present too. As we move forward in our Heavenly experience, we will see the many souls that were important to us during our Earthy journey, and even souls who we thought were merely a chance encounter. For you, a couple of the historical figures that you write of are from your soul family. So yes you will meet them again. Do souls care if they are remembered? In Heaven we drop our ego, but we are acknowledged for our deeds, selfless works for humankind, our thoughts and our words, much like a personal assessment of spiritual growth. So yes, souls are happy to be remembered for their positive impact accomplished during life on Earth.
Dear Whitedove,
I am interested in Spirit Communication and I’d like to know how you feel about the Ouija board. I believe that it’s just another tool but a friend of mine told me that these boards are evil. Do you think that it’s OK to play the Ouija board?
~Need to know in Minnesota
Dear Needing,
As a teacher, I recommend to my students to “Go Directly to the Top”. All spirit communication should be done through prayer and meditation by connecting with Father/Mother/God. When contacting the other side, you want to merge with the love and light of God where the information is pure and honest. I would also suggest communicating with your spirit guides and Guardian Angels for insights and guidance. If you wanted to connect with a departed loved one, I would recommend that you seek out a reputable “Spiritual Medium”.
The Ouija Board is an unreliable tool that helps to open communication with ANY spirit, not necessarily ones of love and light. The board is not a toy so please do not play with it. Contacting the “Other Side” isn’t a game.
Mystic and Spiritual Teacher Michelle Whitedove is here to help give clarity on topics from Archangels to Zodiac, just ASK WHITEDOVE. Ask your specific questions at the Contact Page.
Celebrity psychic Michelle Whitedove is a world-class medium whose mission is to empower humanity as a spiritual teacher and visionary. Named America’s #1 Psychic by Lifetime TV, Whitedove answers your metaphysical questions.

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