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Barb Powell – The Sixth Charm

Barb Powell – The Sixth Charm

Barb-Powell_OM-TimesCanadian Psychic Medium Barb Powell, nicknamed the “Sixth Charm”, is sought out for her skills in Paranormal Investigations as well as psychic/medium readings.

She is one of the most popular psychics who have been in the fore front of the media for the past 5 years. You may have heard her on Darkness Radio with David Shrader, Sirius Radio’s Living Successfully or her interview on The Kevin Smith Show. Barb was the only one in the history of The Kevin Smith Show that pulled in so many listeners and tipped audience ratings. She can also be viewed on TV and read about in Magazines.

Memories of being psychic go back as far as six years old. In later years she decided to become a professional psychic to define her true self. Within a year Barb was extremely well known in her community and her website was discovered by a fellow church goer.

Talking with the dead was a normal occurrence as a child too, “I had an episode of seeing my grandfather and talking to him after he passed away,” she recalls.

As an adult she began ghost hunting and paranormal investigations when people started asking for help. During an investigation an unseen force pushed Barb while she was on the stair well and a ceiling fan almost fell on her head. She related this to spirit activity not wanting her there. Now she is stronger than ever because of prayer and a solid relationship with her spirit guides.

In addition to being a psychic medium Barb, is also a remote viewer. She has worked on cold cases and surprisingly is, by trade, a paramedic.

The future of Barb Powell will be investigating highly documented haunted places. Soon she will be seen on television here in the US and abroad and heard doing radio and other media.

Omtimes Magazine is pleased to say that we got an incredible interview with Barb, exclusively for our readers.

Omtimes: Barb, please tell us something about your life. Your family, schools you may attend, all that good stuff.

Barb: I am a professional psychic medium. It’s not something I willingly say when asked what I do for a living for obvious reasons. I’m not ashamed of what I do, but most people do not understand the job that I do. Some get uneasy and want to know if I ‘see’ anything for them when all I want to do is get my hair cut or finish my facial! So I keep my work private, it’s beginning to get a little harder to keep this area of my life private as more and more people are hearing who I am.

I am a married mother of three girls under the age of 12; my youngest being 4 years old. My husband is a southern Baptist minister who now does computer graphics and websites by trade. We met and the rest is history… well, to make a long interesting story short, his deceased grandmother showed me her wedding bands in the palm of her hand and told me that I would marry her grandson. Two years later we were married and I now wear his grandmother’s wedding bands.

Omtimes: When did you first learn you were a psychic?

Barb: I remember many paranormal experiences as a child. Speaking and seeing my deceased grandfather, seeing people who have passed over and knowing what would happen before it did. It wasn’t a daily occurrence for me and I didn’t know what ‘it’ was called when I was younger. As an adult I began to understand.

Omtimes: What type of psychic ability do you have?

Barb: There are many skills that I have including but not limited to claircognizant – clear thinking, clairvoyant – clear seeing, clairaudient – clear hearing, clairsentient – clear feeling or sensing and clairgustant – clear smelling/tasting. I do many types of readings and offer many services. I’ve been called out to crime scenes and animal mutilations and missing person cases, I do corporate business readings, past life readings and many media events.

Omtimes: Stan Lee’s creation Spider-Man was told: “With great power, comes great responsibility.” Do you follow this philosophy?

Barb: I love this saying and yes I do try to follow this philosophy. I am human with feelings and emotions so here are times when I do not want to do this type of work, just like anyone feels about their job. There are pressures of people who do not like you for what you do or what you may stand for. I try to live by the idea that I will live my life the best way I can and give what I can. This is my gift, we all have gifts…it’s what we chose to do with them that matters!

I would not want to give anyone false hope or make them afraid so I do teach while explaining what it is I’m hearing and seeing for them. What they do with the information I give it entirely up to them.

Omtimes: How have you helped people, can you give us some examples? Barb: I like to think I’ve helped people. I’ve had many clients over my years of working as a psychic medium. I’ve had clients who have lost parents, friends and children. I’ve been told that I’ve gave them the sense of life continuing and the comfort of knowing they will meet again and that their loved ones are not suffering, cold or lonely and are still being taken care of. That they still can ‘visit’ with them in their thoughts and dreams. I’ve had clients who have come to me with huge decisions in their lives and want guidance and direction. I do not make their choices for them but give them the different paths so they can chose for themselves. I’ve been at crime scenes where I have given clues to the thought patterns of both the living and deceased.

Omtimes: Have you ever assisted the police?

Barb: In some cases where I am called yes I have assistant police and private detectives, sometimes on the request of families. I have never called the police on my own due to something I heard about or read about.

I will never say I’ve solved a case because that’s not my job, but I do hope to give clues and direction to the police. When contacted, I request that my services be private as I do not want to be known as a psychic detective.

Omtimes: How did you get into paranormal investigating?

Barb: I got into paranormal investigating because of an interest in the area, plus I’ve been asked by families and businesses who wanted my services to find out what could be going on. It’s not always paranormal activity though that causes noises and happenings.

When I sit down with clients or with a criminal case file I get my information from Spiritual Guides, deceased people & deceased animals while using most of the skills I have.

Omtimes: Are shows like Ghost Whisperer accurate?

Barb: Shows such as Ghost Whisperer and Medium are not exactly accurate. It is a TV show after all, meant to entertain while keeping the interest of those watching. There are some things that are fairly accurate, but most are not. If spirits can use knives and other such objects to throw around I’m hoping they would use it for more meaningful uses such as stopping wars and crimes. Spirit can only do so much, they have their reality and we have ours.

Omtimes: How can someone contact you?

Barb: People can contact me by my website. Emailing or phoning. I reside in Saskatchewan Canada but I do travel if requested to. I have been to New York, Los Angeles and Florida. I have performed readings and criminal cases by telephone all over the world as far as Australia, England and across USA and Canada. My long term goals are to do more media print and television.

Omtimes: What is your website address?

Barb: My website is, don’t forget the hyphen! Better yet just Google my name Barb Powell, I’m everywhere.  I’m also on Facebook with a fan page under Barb Powell – Celebrity Psychic Medium.

Omtimes: What conventions, functions you might be attending?

Barb: That depends on who contacts me and books me! I have done a few celebrity events as a reader and speaker and a few charity events. I am always open to new possibilities and will consider most everything. I have never done expos, psychic fairs or 1-800 number companies. Not that there is anything wrong with that but it’s not for me and I’ve never needed to do those things.

See Also

Omtimes: Tell us times you have appeared on television.

Barb: I have done a lot of television appearances mostly in my home province of Saskatchewan, including news spots and documentaries. I’ve most recently been on Entertainment Tonight and filmed a documentary.  I’m hoping to expand that portfolio in time.

Omtimes: What are your hobbies and recreational activities?

Barb: I am a conventional mom with an unconventional job. I spend my free time with my family and friends.

Omtimes: What movies, books, TV shows do you like?

Barb: I am a reality television addict! But I do enjoy watching Ghost Whisperer, Medium, House and other such shows. I enjoy mostly true life movies and books.

Omtimes: Would you ever consider having a comic book made about you?

Barb: Now that would be interesting, why not! Being a comic book personality could be rather complimentary. Who wouldn’t want to be encased forever in a comic book!

Omtimes: Have you read any comic books and if you have, what were they? You do realize that many superheroes have psychic abilities. Like Professor Charles Francis Xavier of the X-Men.

Barb: Yes I do realize superheroes have psychic abilities, I don’t consider myself a superhero at all….unless you consider birthing three children as being a superhero! I only read comic books when I was younger and it pains me to say it was the Archie comics, I’m rather boring.

Omtimes: Do you believe dogs and other animals can be psychic?

Barb: Animals are terribly sensitive. I cannot put the label of being psychic on them, but animals especially dogs are very intuitive and sensitive beings. There is much more animals can teach us about living.

Omtimes: This ends the interview. Thank you very much. Are there any words of wisdom for your fans?

Barb: Yes I would love to give some words of wisdom to those who may be reading this. First of all I believe that people do not realize how powerful they are. We are so engrossed in the negative of things, how we cannot do this or that. We tend to focus on labels such as jobs, relationships and possessions. If we could just change one of those labels that my life would be complete and I can be finally happy. We must stop agonizing about such things and begin to tap into our own inner soul of knowing that we are POWERFUL. Think about this for a moment, each of us ourselves can change the ending of our own personal stories just by making a simple choice or decision. Now that’s power! You can be anything you want to be regardless of age, possessions, what we look like, where we live, etc. But first you must act and do not make things harder than what they have to be. Most of us know what we need to do, but knowing it and doing it are two different things. Take action!

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