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Do Be Do Be Do

Do Be Do Be Do

Sustainable Wellness 101

By Cristina Smith

It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it. ~Lena Horne

Do you want to know how to successfully achieve and maintain wellness in your life? Need a hint? It’s the title of this article in addition to a memorable Frank Sinatra lyric. Quantum activist Dr. Amit Goswami uses this term to help succinctly explain quantum physics. By the time you finish this article, you may even find yourself humming that catchy portion of ‘Strangers in the Night’.

It’s hard to imagine that wellness can come down to two two letter words. Don’t be fooled by the apparent simplicity of this phrase. It is easy to say and challenging to achieve.  To do and to be are two the most basic verbs we use. They are described by Newton’s Law of Inertia- a body in motion tends to stay in motion (do), and a body at rest tends to stay at rest (be).

What does this have to do with our well-being? Everything. Doing and being are a balance we need to achieve and maintain optimum health. Doing focuses on your outer world and being is essential to your inner world. Each of us has a tendency toward one or the other. Some of us are more interested in doing work in the world and making things happen while others are interested in being in our inner worlds, entering the enchanting realms of imagination and mysticism. When we find ourselves out of balance in our lives, a quick hum of do be do be do can help us see where we need to adjust.

In the do phases of our world, we are active and busy on the outside. This is not exclusive to the professional world; it is also true for primary parents who spend all day taking care of the home and family. When we are bodies in motion, it is often hard to come to rest and be. There is always one more email to answer, event to attend, or dish to wash. When in a hyper doing phase, we tend to go until we crash, often as a result of our body giving us an emphatic message, like getting sick, that it needs some time to recharge through being. A good way to not crash is to schedule some be time before you are exhausted.

Some good ways to be are:

  • Take a walk outside
  • Enjoy a long bath or shower
  • Turn off your cell phone at a certain time each day
  • Meditation and yoga
  • Write or draw in your journal
  • Sit in your favorite place and listen to your favorite music sipping your favorite beverage.

The be phases of our lives may or may not look like much from the outside. It is when we are deeply engaged in our rich inner worlds or perhaps in the midst of depression or other emotional drama. When we are at rest in these states too long, sometimes the outer world can get lost in space. Bills don’t get paid on time, our homes can get messy and our relationships can decay. All of a sudden you look up one morning and what you thought you had is gone. A good way to maneuver through the veil of be before you are completely depleted is to schedule some do activities to spark your energetic batteries.

Some good ways to do are:

See Also

  • Volunteer somewhere and offer your gifts.
  • Jump up and down 10 times a day for a week
  • Plan your time with a schedule
  • Pick one area of your home to go through and organize every week
  • Return phone calls and emails promptly
  • Take a class and learn something new

These simple steps can positively impact our health when we find our lives are out of balance. These are things we can practice our own to help heal ourselves. It doesn’t hurt to visit your favorite energy practitioner to help catalyze, stabilize and support your shift.

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Cristina is a do be do be do hummer, energetic healer and Sustainable Wellness™ coach. Her website is and you may feel free to contact her at

© 2011 Cristina Smith. All rights reserved.

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