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Oracle Abuse – When to Just Say “No!”

Oracle Abuse – When to Just Say “No!”

Oracle Abuse OMTimes

Have you ever found yourself anxiously reaching for your oracle cards for insight into the same situation over and over? Do you ever do readings again and again as a way to try and get the answer you want?  This is Oracle Abuse.

Oracle Abuse – When to Just Say No and Put Your Oracle Cards Away

by Colette Baron-Reid



Have you ever found yourself anxiously reaching for your oracle cards for insight into the same situation over and over? Do you ever do readings again and again as a way to try and get the answer you want?

Oracle cards are one of the most powerful tools for tapping into the flow of Divine synchronicity. When you choose certain cards, they’ll reflect the state of your present, patterns and issues from your past that continue to influence your experience, and future potentials. They reveal what you may not see with your own eyes and empower you in making choices for your highest good. But, as with any method meant to engage the light, there is a shadow side to it.

When we become crazed about knowing everything in advance, or we look for signs at the expense of making rational choices, what should be a sacred dialog with the Divine becomes the shadowy, destructive force of oracle abuse.

Oracle abuse happens to the best of us. As humans, we long for safety, security, and to know that our desires and needs will be taken care of. There’s nothing wrong with any of this and connecting with the Divine will only enhance and expand your experience. But, when your desire to know how things are going to turn out becomes an obsession and you do readings over and over, it’s no longer empowering. You hand your power over to the cards and take yourself out of the present, where all of your power is. You also unconsciously set yourself up for supporting lack in your life!

When you do too many readings out of obsession, you disconnect with the power of the Divine guidance and your intuition. If you’re familiar with my work, you’ve probably heard me talk about the Goblin—the metaphorical character I use to represent the wounded ego we all have. Your Goblin whispers fear, anger, guilt, jealousy, shame, and all sorts of other negative, limiting emotions. He is the part of you that acts out from beliefs of abandonment, self-denial, entitlement, arrogance, and self-hatred among other things. By keeping you focused on ego fears, he breaks your connection to the Divine and, as a result, your intuition. Oracle abuse is one of the Goblin’s trademarks!

I have a client who recently emailed me in a tizzy. She’d done so many readings about this guy she was dating, that the cards were now giving all sorts of mixed messages. One minute this guy was the Grail Night from my Wisdom of Avalon deck. Then an hour later she wanted to make sure he still had potential so she grabbed my other deck, Wisdom of the Hidden Realms, and picked the Sacred Union reversed. Confused by the mixed messages, she picked again and got the Hungary Ghosts reversed. Mad that she didn’t get the Grail Night as a confirmation that it was “correct” the first time, she went to my website and got The Goblin. Now, she was more confused than ever!

I sympathized with my client’s longing to know the outcome. It’s very attractive when you have a system of a language that will tell you things that are hidden. But, it will send you down a rabbit hole of madness! I know from experience; when I first met my husband, I must have done at least ten readings and boy did those cards get nasty after a while. See, I teach what I’ve learned so you don’t have to make the same mistakes!

Anytime you do an oracle card reading with anxiety behind it, that emotional state will also be reflected in the answer. If you keep asking the cards, they will start reflecting your obsession and hidden Goblins. So if you’re crazed and obsessive, you’ll get crazed and obsessive signs to remain that way until you bottom out. Oracles then act as catalysts, forcing you down the same path until you can’t take it anymore.

See Also

I don’t have to be psychic to know that you don’t want lack in your life, nor do you want to disconnect the power of Divine guidance. While I know my Wisdom of the Hidden Realms and Wisdom of Avalon cards can be so powerful it’s hard not to become addicted (just joking!), it’s important to know when to just say no and put away the oracle cards!


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