Rid Yourself of Unwanted, Compulsive Thoughts Forever

Getting Rid of Those Unwanted, Compulsive Thoughts
Many of us are plagued by certain compulsive thoughts that we just don’t seem to be able to shake free from. These compulsive thoughts can be annoying, and is some cases they can also be immobilizing if they are truly keeping us from realizing what we want in life. They rob of us peace of mind and impede our spiritual path. How do we rid ourselves of them forever?
First it is important to realize it is the thoughts which make the person. You are what your thoughts are. What ever you have thought in the past is influencing much of your life today. What ever you are thinking today will shape your future. You are nothing but your thoughts.
If the old thoughts are clinging to you stubbornly, then it is better you don’t start believing that they are difficult to change because your belief is most important!
Your inner voice may tell that you are bad or evil and that you will never change, but if you are AWAKE then you can instantly stop that thought process and then Speak out to yourself that “I am the child of Eternal Light, no impurity can ever touch me, I believe this with all my heart and soul”
Any amount of corrupt images and thoughts which are coming out of your programmed mind should not force you to believe that this is not going to change. Trust in your infinite power of the Thought. You can change any disorder of the mind once you are determined that with Divine Grace as your Sole Support, you will come out of this dark phase.
What ever you may be doing, just remain conscious what is playing in the mind, and start Thinking Thoughts that are just the opposite of the compulsive thoughts.
Along with that you may also want to try to distract your mind from thinking these compulsive thoughts. Here is a list of very practical things that you can do that will help you to interrupt and distract yourself from these thoughts.
8 Tips to Get Rid of Compulsive Thoughts
1. Regular physical stretches with focus on breathing.
2. Breathing exercises in the morning and in the evening, or at times when you have little break and your stomach is not full.
3. Daily practice of meditation, or just being with yourself in the silence of your being. Just being watchful of your breath or your most loved Mantra if you have one, like ‘All is well’.
4. Develop self love, or appreciation of who you are, as you are, in the eyes of the Divine. Recite that you are a blessing and you are unraveling your own journey in your own inimitable way toward the final experience of being one with the Universal flow.
5. Enjoy soothing music, or nature’s company or playing with things that make you feel you are back in your childhood innocence and simplicity.
6. Try to do One Act of Compassion every day that touches the heart of some one with whom you have no selfish interest. Just to give and give without an expectation. Enjoy the very grace of sharing.
7. Watch what is your strongest thought; try to un-create that by thinking just the reverse of it, like, if you are thinking angry thoughts about someone or something, try to show your love and forgiveness at least once in a while and enjoy that victory of yours. Impress upon your mind that your strength is not giving anger for anger, but a positive vibration of light and love.
8. Learn to laugh a lot, and create situations where you can share your smile and laughter and always fill yourself with gratitude for all the gifts of universe. Let positive thoughts and positive actions be your true possession.
All these and other little things that you can do on a daily basis will help you put the compulsive thoughts to rest and connect you to your inner Being, which is the pure and pristine state of unity with the Universe.
The other thing that you can possibly practice is to tell your mind that the need for the compulsive thoughts pattern is no longer the need of your soul. That you have completed that particular experience and that you are now ready for some higher experience for which space has to be created. Suggest to your mind with all love, that you are thankful for that experience which, however annoying, was the need of the soul to go through in order to be ready for sublime thoughts and higher consciousness, to move from the lower to the higher realms of consciousness.
As you convince your mind regularly thinking these beautiful thoughts over a period of time you’ll find that you are being convinced that yes you can and are ready for a change. The old compulsive thoughts pattern will drop off naturally as they are no longer required for your soul’s journey. you have not seen your compulsive thoughts as something bad and painful but more as a step toward higher consciousness. Because the more you condemn these kind of painful thinking patterns, the more the patterns will be consolidated because you are fueling them with your attention.
As you stop condemning the compulsive thoughts and as you see how the thoughts were a need of your soul before, and as you declare that it is no longer a need for you and your soul’s evolution, then the natural process of transformation starts. The miracle happens. You find yourself in the space of your own illumined, happy mind. You are released from the old rut and are set free to be in the new world of freedom.
Trust you can change for the better and you have started changing for the better, for it all starts with the seed thought!
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About the Author
Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (India): Globally acclaimed spiritual and inspirational speaker, author, and visionary social advocate; founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission, 1985, which serves thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in India. Received Lifetime Achievement Award, House of Lords, UK, 2015.

Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (Kolkata, India): Globally acclaimed motivational teacher (mindfulness meditation, stress reduction) author, peacemaker (Man of Peace Award 2012) Visionary social advocate; founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission, 1985, which serves thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in India. (Lifetime Achievement Award, House of Lords, UK, 2015)
This is a great article
hmmm…. careful, there. “You can change any disorder of the mind once you are determined that with Divine Grace as your Sole Support, you will come out of this dark phase.” sounds a lot to me like “Name it and claim it ” evangelicals preaching that you just need enough faith and god will heal all your ills.
Mental illness is real and sometimes you can’t will yourself to stop thinking about or doing something, even with all the wisdom, compassion and enlightenment you can muster.
Thanks for all you do.