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The Body Knows – Ask a Medical Intuitive

The Body Knows – Ask a Medical Intuitive

by Caroline Sutherland

Dear Caroline, I have struggled over the years with addictions to drugs and alcohol. I am 39 years old. I have 2 children that I love. I never do drugs in front of them and I have given up these demons on several occasions but I falter and go back to using especially if I have an emotional upheaval. Help! ~Denise S. Dallas Texas

Dear Denise.

Thank you for writing to me. The great 21st Century mystic Deepak Chopra says that the main reason for ill health is addiction. I agree with Dr Chopra and like him, I have always said that if people are willing to set aside addictions, they will be free – pain free, mentally and emotionally free – and that’s a huge payoff for setting any addiction aside. But it takes heroic strength to do so – a strength that one cannot often find alone.

Help from good mentoring and counseling is a must. Monitored detoxification of the body is the second step and then to add the nutritional piece.

One of my great mentors and leaders in the field of nutritional medicine was Abram Hoffer MD. Doctor Hoffer was legendary in his use of nutritional supplements, vitamin B 3 Niacin and diet to treat bi-polar disease, alcoholism and schizophrenia. Ironically he died the same week as Michael Jackson – a known addict in many ways.

The surprising bonus of changing the diet and adding specific nutrients is that you feel better and you have great energy and mental clarity. Then it becomes easier to dump the toxic substances.

Remember your children are watching. You may think that they don’t know what you are doing. Watch them. Are they acting out, are they hiding things, are they having sleep problems? Children often act out what we as parents are suppressing.

Ask for help – ask for help from a higher power, God and the angels to give you strength to give this habit up that is no longer serving you. It is as if these substances are taking you away from your true self – who you really are – your creative self that expresses the higher, wiser aspect of you that is pure love and light. Addiction and depression are the opposites of expression.

Get addicted to your creativity – connect to source. Take an art class, dance, sing.

I believe that addiction is really misplaced spirit. Now give your whole spirit to life!

See Also

Caroline Sutherland is the author of “The Body Knows – How to Tune into Your Body and Improve Your Health” the bestselling book “The Body Knows Diet – Cracking the Weight Loss Code,” and recently released The Body Knows …How to Stay Young.

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