Ask Whitedove – September 2011
a personal advice column by America’s #1 Psychic

by Michelle Whitedove
Dear Whitedove, The term KARMA is used often, but I am confused. Is there only bad karma? Or is there good karma too? ~Cosmic Questioner in Queens
Dear Cosmic, “Karma” is relatively a new word for western civilization. You may understand the biblical term “reaping what you sow” or the new age phrase “the law of attraction.” Science understands it as “the law of Cause and Effect.” Simply put: For every action there is a reaction or similarly, for every cause there is an effect. This is a Universal truth in positive and negative aspects.
I consider “Good Karma” much like heavenly brownie points. Good deeds that flow in an unconditional manner will always be felt and recognized. You may not see the immediate effects. But during your life review you will have the opportunity and pleasure to see all the lives that you’ve touched. We are like pebbles that are cast into a pond…the ripples radiate out and touch everything! One small kind of gesture can change a person’s life, and thus change the world. Even a smile can generate change.
Negative Karma is something that we will need to revisit for our soul’s growth. Please understand, there is no need for punishment in the heavens we will choose to experience negativity so that we understand it, overcome it, and evolve spiritually. Right now there is a great need to dwell in the positive; everyday strive to be of service. Look for opportunities to help others. Let’s all work to create more JOY in this world! Your actions make a huge difference.
Dear Whitedove, Something horrific happened to my wife when she was a child. After we married, she confided in me about this event, something that changed her forever. Since knowing this truth, I have this urge to seek revenge for the wrongdoing. Please help me to come to a spiritual understanding about why bad things happen to innocent people. ~ Loving Her in WY
Dear Loving, God tells us that we are never given more than we can handle. Unchecked human emotions can lead one to spiral out of control and vengeance can fester and become so vile, that it is no better than the original horrific deed. I’d suggest that you place your focus on being productive and help your loved one to heal her wounds mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You see, mankind has the unique attribute of miraculous inner strength to rise up and overcome. When bad things happen, these circumstances can be the catalyst for greatness. Out of immense suffering, we can turn stumbling blocks into building blocks. Out of suffering and tragedy people have pushed through and profoundly reshaped the course of their lives, and in turn become advocates, lawmakers, and fresh voices to seek positive change for the betterment of humanity. We don’t always know God’s grand plan, however it’s important to understand that every negative situation can produce something that’s very positive.

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