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Ask Whitedove – September 2011

Ask Whitedove – September 2011

Dear Whitedove, My friend is an Atheist.  What happens to people who have no faith or belief in God? ~White light in OR

Dear White light,

Just because you can’t see an electric current, doesn’t mean that it won’t affect you, right?  Science has proven that we are energy, and energy can never die.  People don’t have to believe in energy.

Great Spirit never forces us to believe in anything; Free-Will is our birthright.  Our soul moves from one plane of existence to the next.  When the soul enters the transition that we call death, we come into a state of knowing, like a veil has been lifted and we can see clearly and we know the truth.  So don’t worry, and don’t preach, just be an example of God working through you. Atheists will find the truth on the other side of life.

See Also

Mystic and Spiritual Teacher Michelle Whitedove is here to help give clarity on topics from Archangels to Zodiac, just ASK WHITEDOVE. Ask your specific questions at the Contact Page.

Celebrity psychic Michelle Whitedove is a world-class medium whose mission is to empower humanity as a spiritual teacher and visionary. Named America’s #1 Psychic by Lifetime TV, Whitedove answers your metaphysical questions.

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