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How to See With Your Hands

How to See With Your Hands

By Cristina Smith

The final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.
~Anne Frank

Take a look at your hands right now. What do you see? Bend your fingers. Flex your fingers and palms. How do they feel? Wiggle your fingers. What do you perceive?

I like to call hands a God-force delivery device, because in so many creations, mundane to magnificent, hands play an intimate role. When we are inspired to make something, from lunch to emails to masterpieces, we realize that vision through our hands.

Beyond the basic physical sense of touch, hands may also be used as diagnostic tools. Through our hands, we receive thousands of bits of information daily. Impressions of hot, cold, soft, coarse, sharp, slimy and silky come from the empirical data we gather and send to our brain for processing so as to formulate a response strategy.

In addition to data from the visible world, we also receive information from the unseen world around us. Whether we can feel it or not, our hands act as receivers for energetic frequencies. We can develop the skill to readily recognize and use these frequencies for a variety of purposes, including healing. We can develop the ability to see with our hands.

Any one can cultivate the ability to see with their hands if they so desire. It is a matter of practice and intention, like any other skill you want to learn. As in music, you first work with the regular, consistent practice of techniques and then the art begins to flow.

Here are a few techniques to begin to open your ‘finger vision’.

  • Practice shifting your perception into your hands and finger tips.
  • Pay attention to how things feel when you touch them.
  • Imagine that you have eyes on the tip of each finger and in the palms of your hands. Look at things with those hand-eyes, both animate and inanimate, and record your impressions.
  • This practice takes about 10 minutes. Sit quietly with yourself with no distractions like mobile device, computer, television or people near.
    • Place your hand in the center of your abdomen.
    • Inhale and exhale into your abdomen through your nose three times. Feel the movement of your core.  How does your hand feel?
    • Breathe normally and sit with your hand there for a minute or so.
    • Now slowly lift your hand slightly above your abdomen. What do you feel?
    • Keep slowly raising your hand until you notice a change in what you are feeling.
    • Another time, use the other hand for the same practice. Is there a difference in how each hand perceives?
  • Sit with a variety of items like fruit, plants, and stones.
    • Touch each item to see it and then slowly move your hand above to see how you feel the surrounding energetic field.

I find that it is often easier to see with my hand-eyes with my face-eyes closed..

As you work with your hand-eye coordination skills of perception, you may find yourself opening up to a whole world of vision that increases your awareness and enhances the richness of your world.

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Don’t take my word for it, experiment with it yourself. I would love to hear your results.

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Cristina is a hand visionary, energetic healer and Sustainable Wellness™ coach. Her website is and you may feel free to contact her at

© 2011 Cristina Smith. All rights reserved.

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