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Recreating You, Part II

Recreating You, Part II

By Sterling Day

Please also see Recreating You, Part I

Did everyone pay attention to the seat belt announcement? I hope so, because I don’t know about you all, but this retrograde that just passed may have come with some turbulence.  But such is life, right?  We go to great measures to get our courage up, our creative juices flowing, and then… BAM!  Just about the time we are ready and willing to become open and inspired to make great change, obstacles seem to present themselves.

Like Carrie Bradshaw, the main character of the movie “Sex and The City”,  dancing around to songs of yesteryear with her best girlfriends, sipping champagne and tossing out last season’s fashion, she still had her expectations of the future. Metaphorically, she was celebrating and purging her past, while moving full speed ahead into becoming something greater: Mrs. Mr. Big. And then…BAM! He leaves her at the altar.

As we all wish that cleaning out our closets could be so simple and romantic, we realize that purging certain people or circumstances that no longer serve our greater good or new direction, while setting new expectations of ourselves can be quite a task. This leads us back to last month’s assignment of becoming inspired.

After listening to “Chariots of Fire”, did you want to start running marathons? Most likely the thought is far more pleasing than the actual act. But you thought of running, didn’t you? While on the road to recreating yourself, it doesn’t matter how evolved one we may or may not be. The fact is that we all have the same fears and worries when starting anew.

We ask ourselves the same questions. What are the possibilities? How, when and where can all of my thoughts and dreams come together in a successful way? In order to decide who and what we will become, we must first narrow it down by what we enjoy, what we are good at, and what will make a difference.

It is unrealistic for one to think that you will not make mistakes along the way, and you might even change your mind mid-stream. Take myself for example. After my last son was born, I wanted to do something that I would enjoy, but also that I could make a living at, while being flexible to take care of him. I have always enjoyed hosting parties, especially kid parties. All of my kids have had Winnie the Poo, or Bubbles the clown at some point of their lives. This gave me an idea:  full service children’s theme parties. Yes! And I shall name it “Party-in-the-Box”!

It was a blast at first. I even had some notoriety in a big children’s magazine, and some of the local newspapers. Everything was going great! No, not really…The money was terrible. It was at this one party where I was dressed as Mother Goose, reading nursery rhymes and songs to a bunch of children that did not speak English, I decided that this was for the birds!! How ridiculous I looked, and burning up to death in that hideous costume! Although they didn’t seem to mind at all, and the party went off without a hitch, being a broke mother goose was not exactly what I had in mind.

But, hey! I did what I set out to do, so now back to the drawing board. When one does decide to change course, it is okay. There are certain things that one must try before concluding that it doesn’t work. The fact that one is simply willing to show up, is half the battle. We must start somewhere. Being mother goose taught me that I had what it takes to make things happen. But also, we must be discerning and realistic, without losing our optimism. Thus, forcing us to think bigger!

My gramps used to always say, “It takes the same bullet to kill an elephant, as it does a rat.” In other words: work smarter, not harder. We must raise the bar, while maintaining a realistic balance within ourselves. This is where one’s spirituality and faith can really come in. Though things may not work out in the way that we first hoped, much learning can come of it. And again, just by showing up and conquering, we turn the tide of movement automatically. Movement is the key word here. Keep moving, no matter what!

Restoring faith in one’s self is also an accomplishment. Especially, in some cases if one has lost it completely. One can never be truly prepared for life’s curve balls. Continuing to move, or not give up, while being still and listening to one’s inner voice can be quite tricky, huh? We must keep moving, while being still. How does one do this, you ask?  With balance, this leads us to this month’s assignment. When trying to achieve balance in one’s life it is best to remember these simple rules:

1.  Give yourself room to fumble, and do not beat yourself up. Accomplish what you can for the given day. Whatever you didn’t get done can wait, as there is always the next day.

2. Do not feel guilty because of what people may think. Do whatever it takes to get the job done, without losing yourself.

3. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Create a circle of support you can rely on.

4. When necessary, make changes in order to accommodate new ideas. Be flexible.

See Also

5. Manage your time wisely, while staying focused on who you are and where you are going.

6. Stay positive! Focus on the good.  When you have a good day, acknowledge it to be the premise for creating better days.

7. Listen to your body, and be good to yourself. This may be as simple as taking a walk barefoot in the grass, or listening to classical music. Whatever your preference may be, take time out for you.

Relax. It is okay to stumble. Be patient with yourself, as everything comes in steps. As long as you are stepping toward something, you are sure to be going somewhere. Just make sure it is the path of your goals and aspirations. We are all little rulers of the world. How are you going to rule yours? Until next time…..Viva la Vida!

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