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The Home GROWN Yoga Totes™ & Accessories

The Home GROWN Yoga Totes™ & Accessories

crochetyoga01copy1The Home GROWN Yoga Totes™ & Accessories are an original one of a kind product. As not even all fingers on our hands are the same, the Totes reflects a uniqueness and have an individual crafty personality.

Each product from the Home GROWN Yoga Totes ™ & Accessories Collection, expresses quality of craftsmanship and the flair of a work of art. They are primarily custom designed and they soulfully reflect, a distinct Southern Flavor.

Expressing local traditions and daily life of those who adopt a holistic approach to life, the totes use locally produced vibrant yarns and colorful patchwork patterns to enrich the daily life of those that have adopted a holistic way of Living.


crochet_yogaM1The products demonstrate a true concern for nature, quality and sustainability. The totes and accessories are a socially conscious and responsible product using natural materials and fibers. A donation is automatically sent to Humanity Healing with the purchase of each product.

The Yoga Totes were envisioned to fit both Yoga and Pilates Mats, being standard or premium sizes. The Home GROWN Yoga Totes™ are a reflection of an authentic lifestyle with the spice of true southern heritage.

These products are legitimately handmade in the USA.

See Also

To know about more these products and/or how to order them, please visit:

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