Ask Whitedove October 2011
a personal advice column by America’s #1 Psychic
by Michelle Whitedove

Celebrity psychic Michelle Whitedove is a world-class medium whose mission is to empower humanity as a spiritual teacher and visionary. Named America’s #1 Psychic by Lifetime TV, Whitedove answers your metaphysical questions.
Dear Whitedove, I’ve had several instances of déjà vu, the feeling that I am re-experiencing an event or conversation. How do you explain these types of happenings? ~Familiar Stranger in CA
Dear Familiar, The concepts of Time and Space can be difficult to wrap your head around. So here it goes: “Spirit” has explained to me that our past, present, and future, are all one. Time is like an onion, with many layers of actual events and possible futures. As the mass consciousness changes, so does our future. It’s important to recognize that humans are multi-dimensional beings who are in charge of creating their reality.
So, when you experience déjà vu, your mind is connecting with the event as a memory. In linear Earth time, the event must occur in sequence. But on a higher level of awareness, your soul connects to this event with familiarity because you have already experienced it. Now you are just going through the physical motions.
There is also “Past Life” déjà vu that many people experience when traveling abroad. We are sometimes drawn to places where we experienced a past incarnation. Your past life memory triggers this type of déjà vu. For example: You go to Egypt for the first time, yet you are familiar with the many places that you visit without prior knowledge.
Dear Whitedove, My husband is fascinated with several of the paranormal programs that focus on “Ghosts.” Yet I’m not convinced that ghosts exist; there’s such a lack of scientific evidence. Do you think that our loved ones are ghosts that peer in on us from time totime? ~Need more evidence, Georgia
Dear Needing, Science tells us that you cannot destroy energy, this is a fact. And we are made up of energy. Religion tells us that life continues after death. So if you truly believe that life goes on, why is it so hard to believe in Ghosts? Let me explain the phenomena.
At the time of death, God still honors our free will. Most souls drop their physical body and move into the Heavens, our true home. As we cross over, we become aware of the way home, and just follow the light. All souls are processed much in the same way as they enter Heaven. Our loved ones are souls that are allowed to check on us from time to time and even visit us in the dream time. They would not be considered ghosts.

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