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Creating Yourself According To Your Own Dreams

Creating Yourself According To Your Own Dreams

by Maria Khalifé

“What if you went to the nth degree to prove to yourself that you’re the person you want to be? But you found that it’s completely different from the person that you are, and you found yourself in a place that consistently refuted the facts as you sensed them?” ~ William Hurt

If you could begin your life all over again, knowing what you now know, having the experiences that you’ve learned so much from, how might you go about creating yourself so that you could love and accept yourself more fully, enjoy life more fully, and be more successful in your chosen field?

We have all asked those critically important questions about why we are here and what we need to accomplish. But in looking back, perhaps you might consider the following:

Be healthily self-centered – centered on your one and only Self, thinking about yourself – and love that Self for all it’s worth because you know that is the only Self you’ve got and it’s one unique Self in all of the universe. Absorb as many of the qualities of that Self as you can and cherish them, while you foster new growth and unfoldment of many more virtues and abilities from within that one and only, unique Self.

If you are thinking about yourself as the pivot point around which all of your life revolved, you’d recognize how great you were, how interesting, how unforgettable. You’d see your own brilliance with great gratitude. You’d know yourself better than anyone else ever could. You’d see every day as a chance to become better at everything than you were in the past. You’d know that humility is truth and you’d be confident enough in your own abilities to be humble about them. People would say about you “Well, there’s only one Maria (you can put your name here, too.)

You wouldn’t complain about things being hard; you’d work to become better so that the hard spots would become so tiny they’d fade away into nothingness. You wouldn’t let anyone unseat you from your position because you’d be so confident in your Being, that you’d be unbeatable.

You’d never stop doing good and being generous, because you know this kind of activity generates more good for you and for all others. You don’t need anyone else to tell you that you’re good or wonderful; you know it in the depth of your own heart feelings. You’d share what you understand with those who could benefit from the information and you’d share it in such a manner that they’d never know you knew more than they do. You’d earn the right to do – to be – all that you want to do and be.

You are the sum total of all of your experiences; all the people you’d met, spoken with, and listened to; all of the hundreds of books you’ve read and TV shows and movies you’ve watched. You stand in the fullness of your being – creating yourself – in front of all others to listen and to learn from them and to share what you understand with them.

People love busy doers. We cheer on the football players who are running and charging. We adulate the teachers who are busy teaching and sharing. We admire the mothers when they are hugging their babies. Be a busy doer, and be the best at your task as you can be.

People will always take pot shots at you. I think one of the reasons we put people on a pedestal is to get a better aim when taking pot shots. Learn to duck and shrug. If you are out there being and doing, and know that if someone is throwing rocks, you’re probably doing it right.

Be courageous enough to be honest. Admit when you’ve made a mistake and apologize. Give as much value as you can in the work you do. Share your understanding and make a difference. Act now as though you were the ultimate person you hope to become. You are One Unique One and you never need to apologize for that. Do something that stimulates you each day and work towards creating yourself as YOU want to be.

See Also
Money Happiness

Take Action Now

1.  I will write down three ways to love myself more fully this week.

2.  I’ll remain steadfast in pursuing my own dreams.

3.  I will learn to duck and shrug at other’s negative words.

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View Comments (2)
  • I’ve got to say it – been there, done that. I pandered the ego till it could be pandered no more! Holistic modality workshops – done them, could run them. Yet, in my very own perception of reality, I still saw the homeless down the street, the economic crisis loom, the illegal immigrants put into detention centers – the list goes on. I had grown within myself enough that I started to really care about this. So my intentions started to switch. Instead of me wanting to be ‘the best I could be’ and ‘attract all this cash to my pockets’ I started to wonder how the laws of attraction could be used to benefit us all. After all, I am a part of ‘us all’. Rather than learning to ‘duck and shrug’ it occurred to me me that I would rather attract a world where I didn’t have to duck and shrug. A world where I actually cared about others – not because it brought me something back, but because I cared about them. And a world where I didn’t have to worry about starving or being ill, because I could rely on my community – and they could rely on me. That they all would have a good heart and feel the same way – mutual caring, all in our unique style, even if we didn’t have much in common with each other. Wow, none of us would have to worry about any of the stuff we currently run self help classes for – we would all care that each others’ needs are met. This is the ‘creating of ourselves according to our needs.’

  • My experience has been different than yours but I agree that most people enter some kind of spiritual practice in order to “duck and cover”. Any practice that aims to keep a person at the level of self comfort is usually a way to put the ego needs in control which is the opposite of spirituality. We are all one soul and the only thing that is broken is the connection between us.

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