Human Consciousness is Like a Tea Cup
by Maria Khalifé
“All the good, fine, noble, and creative acts of humanity were conceived as a spark in a single human consciousness.” ~ Peter McWilliams
Ami Chen Mills-Naim teaches about thought and about human consciousness. She explains that your thinking is like a cup of hot water. Whatever kind of teabag you put into that water, the water becomes like the tea bag. So like our own minds: if you are entertaining thoughts of worry, frustration, rage, animosity and jealousy, which is what “tea” you are brewing, and that “tea” will bubble out into your life as precisely what you’re entertaining. Now if, on the other hand, your teabag contains love, generosity, kindness, then that’s the kind of “tea” you’re brewing and that’s what your life experiences will be.
Notice that your consciousness doesn’t have a maitre d’ at the door, only admitting those ideas previously approved of. No, if you don’t use any form of discrimination, any old tea bag can get in, and then the cycle of thinking cranks out the results automatically. Your consciousness does not judge: it acts.
And human consciousness is universal: if you run something through it, it jumps into action. There isn’t much time to say “No, not that! I want a do-over.” Your consciousness is a very powerful Creator, and whatever any one of you puts in there, you get those life experiences.
Now by noticing those two qualities of consciousness, you can easily tell what kind of “tea” you are running through your consciousness by looking at what’s going on in your life, since your life experiences are the result of what you’ve been thinking! If you have health, wealth, success and harmony to a greater degree than not, those are the kinds of thoughts you’ve been thinking.
But if you have worry, misery, pain, poverty, anger, frustration, and lack of hope, then those are the kinds of thoughts you’ve been thinking.
You might think at this point “Oh no, I don’t want to know this!” But trust me, it’s so much better to assume full ownership of your life than not to. It’s just no fun being led by the nose because you aren’t aware your thoughts are creating your life, than to create the life you want.
What Kind of Tea Do You Prefer?
You can easily go into your kitchen and choose a teabag from among the selection you’ve purchased. It’s just this easy to choose the kind of thought you want to think. You look forward to enjoying the tea you’ve chosen, and you can just as easily anticipate the enjoyment from thinking the kind of thoughts you’d prefer as well.
No one becomes an expert without practice, so once you decide to become more mindful about the thoughts you’re running through your mind, it takes practice to stay on track. Make a list of general categories of thoughts, like this: loving, kind, inspiring, strong, forward moving. You make your own list and keep in mind that “what you’re going to think is what you’re going to get.”
Fresh Tea Often
Just as you wouldn’t drink an old, cold cup of tea, refreshing your mind frequently by doing an assessment of what you’ve been thinking; throw out the “old tea” and pour yourself a fresh cup – begin again to renew your intention to think those thoughts that will get you precisely what you want in your life. Self-help techniques help you to expand your human consciousness and shine a light on the magnificence within. Shine on!
“Whenever our life is stirred by truth, it expresses energy and comes to be filled, as it were, with a creative ardor. This consciousness of the creative urge is evidence of the force of truth on our mind.” ~ R. Tagore
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Take Action Now
1. I will choose carefully “my tea” this week.
2. I will be aware that whatever I think, I create.
3. My lot in life is improving as I govern my thoughts.

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