Shifting to a Better World
“It takes strong people to bridge the two worlds without getting lost in fear. The key to our success is how we treat one another and accept or reject that ‘need’ for war to solve our problems.”
Braden says New Age retailers can help turn the tide away from apocalyptic expectations by encouraging a supportive environment to alter the collective perception. “Everyone learns differently and works toward a better world in different ways. Shopowners should share information with integrity and bring people closer in their relationships to others, themselves, their community. They can and should open hearts and minds to new possibilities.”
Braden has worked toward increasing understanding of the coming Shift with his various books. “Each book that I’ve written is a different facet to understanding our relationship with ourselves, others, and our world, to clearly and responsibly deliver a message of hope and empowerment.”
His latest is Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny, and Fate, which builds on topics he’s discussed in his earlier volumes and addresses certain scientific beliefs in detail.
“Deep Truth was timed intentionally,” Braden says, “ahead of the curve, to help people not familiar with 2012 understand what’s going on.”
Unconventional science
The book covers several topics that Braden says are integral to helping us make the transition to the new era: namely, knowing the truth about who we are and where we come from, and our actual history on this planet. Having this information, he says, make a huge difference in how we face the future—and how we will create it.
A former computer geologist, defense contractor, and computer programmer, Braden has always advocated the synthesis of science and spirituality. He says that we can bridge the gap between the two and be all the better for it.
In Deep Truth, Braden lays out clear arguments challenging points that humanity as a whole has always assumed to be correct, such as the idea that climate change has not been caused by human activity and the fact that our civilizations are far, far older than we have assumed—a concept that is supported more and more by frequent new archaeological discoveries that push the dates of civilizations farther back than we previously thought.
“We’re discovering civilizations that existed at the end of the last ice age,” Braden says. “That doubles how old we thought civilization was.”
Even more important to how we handle the coming societal changes is his discussion of nature’s propensity toward cooperation and mutual aid instead of “survival of the fittest” biological competition—in other words, he says, Darwin was wrong.
“Darwinian evolution doesn’t work,” he says. Although “survival of the fittest” has always been accepted as the standard for biological behavior, Braden says we are more inclined toward peace than war, more wired for cooperative existence and mutual aid than competition.
OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality
I agree we are in changing times and we have a responsibility. We are giving birth to a new reality. So how do we want that reality to appear?
We will instantly get the society we all dreamed of if we all could rise above our self serving nature and make all our decisions based on the benefit of society. This is a win win situation, since you and I, all of us, are part of society. If we each base our decisions on benefiting all, then we will not need to worry about going without our basic needs, or living in fear of others. Many of our worries will disappear instantly.
How do we manifest this? – that is up to you, as a holistic minded individual. Use any technique you are master of, yet rather than focusing on manifesting that new car or more money, try focusing on this sort of society – where we all rise above our selfish wants and make sure all members of society get what they need.
By doing so we will be giving birth to that loving, caring, benevolent reality we have always wanted. This could be our last chance to get it right. As Mr Braden said…
“The world’s problems are so big they will never be solved by one nation, but by us, individually and collectively. We will work together to survive, and when the need disappears, we will be in a better world—the new world our ancestors saw.”