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Step Into the Mystery

Step Into the Mystery

by Cristina Smith

God is a metaphor for a mystery that absolutely transcends all human categories of thought- even categories of being and non-being. ~ Joseph Campbell

What or who is God? What is my relationship to God? These are big questions that most of us has asked at sometime of our lives. Many of us have found that our answers to these questions evolve as we evolve spiritually over our lifetimes.

Often the first answer we encountered was some other person or belief system’s interpretation of God. Most of us weren’t satisfied with those as the ultimate answers to such important questions. As we began to delve a little deeper, many of us discovered that we had gone down a rabbit hole into a whole new world of mystery.

The mystery of an individual’s connection with the Divine has been the subject of exploration for thousands of years in cultures globally. There is a point our paths to integrative health and spiritual wholeness that spark a strong desire to engage that mystery.  Those who have gone ahead of us have left accounts of their journeys and shared techniques for making that connection. The trails left by our predecessors are invaluable in shortening the difficulty and duration of the quest for the Holy Grail of direct interaction with the Divine.

As you pursue your own mystery to develop your direct connection with your God, you will likely find that things that you thought were true are open to discussion. There will be new truths revealed. You will become more flexible as you travel through the wonderland of your inner worlds. Often with that increased flexibility, enhanced compassion develops, particularly for yourself.

What does this have to do with your wellness? Much. Many of the causes of chronic conditions stem from a spiritual source. If you choose to step into the mystery of seeking your God through personal evolution, you may find that physical conditions will change. When you change yourself on the inside, it is often reflected on the outside. As you transform, it is important to work with your body so it can release its old paradigm of being like a snake shedding its skin. It is a good idea to work with an integrative, sustainable wellness practitioner who understands this process. Massage, acupuncture, structural integration, chiropractic and subtle energy techniques like Bio-Vibrational healing are excellent to assist in your shift.

When you integrate your physical world with your enhanced metaphysical understanding, your being is in alignment with itself. It is from that place of alignment that you can step into the next level of mystery with a solid foundation of inner and outer strength. You can become a better channel of connection to your God and discover deeper answers to those big questions. The quest for your Holy Grail is the most exhilarating and rewarding experience there is as a human and well worth the effort.

See Also
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Cristina enjoys stepping into mysteries and is an energetic healer and Sustainable Wellness™ coach. Her website is and you may feel free to contact her at

© 2011 Cristina Smith. All rights reserved.

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