Ask Whitedove November 2011

Celebrity psychic Michelle Whitedove is a world-class medium whose mission is to empower humanity as a spiritual teacher and visionary. Named America’s #1 Psychic by Lifetime TV, Whitedove answers your metaphysical questions.
Dear Whitedove,
I saw you on TV and you spoke about your psychic abilities, God, and Angels. But I feel that you have to be into religion to buy into these invisible helpers. I’m agnostic and haven’t ever felt comfortable with religion. Help me to understand.
Almost Atheist, UK
Dear Almost,
There are many forms of life here on Earth and throughout the Universes. Angels are beings that are pre-religion, they have always existed. The one thing that all life forms have in common is that their core essence is pure energy.
As humans we try to intellectualize everything. Does God look like us? Is he an all-knowing wise man with a beard? Are Angels male or female winged humanoids? We personify them to be like us, but actually they are energies. The Universal Consciousness is an energy force, the source of all things. Humans tend to compartmentalize and need to use labels: God, Allah, Great Spirit, and Angel, whatever name that gives you comfort. When people see them, the human mind tries to establish their likeness from memory, just as we search a computer for a matching file. In actuality they are unique energy forms of light and superior intelligence.
At eighteen, I had a Near Death Experience at the scene of a fatal car crash. I had a personal encounter with Angels, and The Great Spirit. My energy/soul left my broken body and ascended. I found myself in the presence of the Universal Consciousness, which was so bright I couldn’t look directly at it with my spirit eyes. In a telepathic manner, information is relayed.
This was a profound experience I that share with others so they may have faith that there is a greater force at work in the Universe. So please know that these energies do exist for you too. Anyone can call on them for assistance, with or without religious affiliations. That’s the beauty, its equal opportunity with the God force.
Dear Whitedove,
A friend told me that I should wear a necklace made of rose quartz because it would help me. Do you believe that stones can have a real effect on the physical body?
Thinking Pink, Georgia
Dear Pink,
Today modern science knows that quartz crystals generate an electrical charge when mechanical pressure is applied to them and they also vibrate.
Quartz is used in radios, computers, and watches. Gemstones have been used throughout history for their beauty and their power. The Talmud and the Bible both speak of specific gemstones used for protection that cover the breast plate of the high priest. Kings and Queens used them in their crowns and stones were set in their swords and aligned specifically to enhance fighting abilities and to protect the user.

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