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Vima Lamura: Inside the Voice

Vima Lamura: Inside the Voice

Vima Lamura’s life’s immersion in studies, and disciplines in yoga, traditional chant and meditation opened portals of deeper awareness in the profound effects of sound, vibration and music. This foundation strongly influences her vocal performances and compositional style.

Her concerts, performances, film projects and recordings are platforms of sharing so that all people are exposed to the benefits of the vibrational universe through music, sound and voice. Her lifelong devotion, hard work, and spiritual presence coupled with her accomplished artistic vision and voice, gives audiences a direct experience of peace, awakening, awareness, love and unity. “Journeying into what lies beyond, I see the realm of consciousness beholds the nectar of healing light … it is there where all originates trickling from vibration into form… once awake, we create in co-creative union into the depths of our existence and the heights of our love”


Chanting is an ancient art that unifies the heavens with earth though sound and vibration. Remembered and practiced by indigenous cultures but forgotten over time through the evolution of modern society.

Chanters are different than singers. Chanters are cultivated to access refined energy states that is transmitted through their voice. Traditionally chanting is used to tell stories, heal individuals & communities, communicating on all levels to open energy fields. What they chant are known as song lines. A song line can be a repetitive chant, a series of phrases or a prayer in song. Song lines are sung in the native language or in a refined language of sound that resonates with the language of the people.

There are chants and song lines for communicating genealogy and the origins of the community. There are song lines and chants that energetically unify and connect global communities. Some chants tune in to the vibrations of the elements in nature. Some chanters have the sensitivity to chant visions of higher consciousness and the sounds of the cosmos. For the most part, chanters have a refined sonic and vibrational relationship with all life forms including people, animals, and insects.

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Chanters vibrationally access a primordial core to the authentic heart where the divine and earthly realms meet within the body and spirit.

Chanting is an all encompassing activity involving body, mind, energies, and spirit engaging all dimensions. Chanters are recognized at a young age, by the tones of their voice and their nature. It is a humbling service to be a chanter as they give openly to bring inspiration and light for the good of all existence.

In these accelerated times of change, bringing chant and song lines out into the open for all audiences to experience is essential. The artistic platforms of music and film serve as perfect mediums of communicating and unifying on all dimensions. Audiences are taken to an exciting and mystical world that opens hearts inspiring peace, expansion and awakening.

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