Psychic Shielding Against Negative Energy Attacks

Are you in need of some psychic shielding?
Psychic Shielding Protection Against Negative Energy Attacks
by Rev. Christa Urban, RN
This is a topic that, as a peace lover, I’d hoped to avoid. I have always believed in the Law of Attraction. I put out Love and Light to the universe and hope to get that back. Unfortunately, there will always be those who send you bad energy, which is why psychic shielding is important.
I have always avoided conflict and hate “Witch Wars,” but alas, I have found myself in several. The most recent psychic battle was part of a TV project I am working on.
So first, how do you know you have been attacked, or someone is working against you? Are you feeling unusually out of sorts? Are your dreams invaded by images that are disturbing and attacking you? Do tears come for no reason? Are you having strange pains and physical symptoms that don’t correlate to your current state of health? Have you lost your ability to see from your third eye? These are just a few ways that you could feel a negative energy attack and know that psychic shielding is needed. Aside from the obvious that you just know someone has sent an attack to you.
I use crystals and stones in my practice for healing, psychic shielding, and protection. The attacks against me resulted in two of my magical rings cracking. I thought at first, that it might be a coincidence, but consulted another in the field, and a Psychic attack was the conclusion. The stone took the hit, so I was not physically affected.
I also was affected by a Black Magician sending out negative energy to blind my third eye to remove my ability to see beyond the veil. I have also felt the workings of a Psychic and witch that cast a spell that no one else could see clients in the shop that was close to where she worked. When I had my first client there, I felt like I had been set on fire. I felt flames licking at my ankles, working their way up my body. I ran out of the shop and cleared my energy. When I regrouped, I confronted the shop owner, and she did tell me that a certain Witch had come to make a blessing on her store and was happy that others would read there. I told the shop owner she had been duped; this was a spell, and there would be worse to come. The shop has since been closed and the owner suffered much personal trauma and took a year off.
Protection and psychic shielding can be done in many ways. The simplest way to clear negative energy is to utilize smudging and candles. A large psychic attack, or a curse, spell, or other negative names for attack, will require calling in of deities, angels, and a ritual. My first line of defense is my stones and crystals. I wear several pendants and talismans that are charged with protection. I use Black Onyx as a stone that helps protect me from the negative energy that is randomly discharged by people around me. As an empath, it’s very easy to pick up random negativity. (That’s another article.)
Smudging with white sage to cleanse your space and your person is the way to start. I call it a psychic shower. Get clean and then proceed. If you can find out who sent the attack that will help as you can use their name as you work to clear, which will send the energy back.
I use a blend of Dragons Blood Resin, Frankincense, White Sage, and Rose Petals to clear a space that is permeated with negative energy. This will cross over spirits that are causing trouble too.
Here is a simple psychic shielding ritual to help protect you as you rest and dream that can be carried into the day: Make a circle around your bed using white chalk or salt. Call in the angels of the four directions as you cast this circle. If you don’t work with angels, call in your Gods/Goddesses for the directions. I don’t specify because this technique will work in any Pantheon or Ascended realm. When you have called them in, state that you have been under attack and wish for their protection as you sleep. Light a white candle and allow it to burn. For major problems, use a 7-day candle and let it burn until it self-extinguishes. In the morning, when you rise, call in the energy of protection and tell your helpers that you carry that circle with you and the protection continues.
You will find that the sleep disturbance will abate, and the days will be improved. There are many other ways, but I share this one as it helps with the attacks from several powerful people who choose to work negatively.
Why do people do this? Jealousy, greed, control, and all those negative emotions that really don’t need to be part of our lives. My work with people is to help heal these broken parts in their lives. Inner peace is the path to world peace. Cast out only positive energy. What you send out comes back to you at least 3-fold.
Originally shared on OMTimes Nov 6, 2011.
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Thank you for the article. Rev. Christa Urban I have a question, why did you not help the owner to clear it? It could also be a selffulfiling prophesy, she might have been scared when you said that it was not going to be good and created this situation.
I dont use crystals, nothing ever worked for me except aum. I make circles with my thumb and fore fingers and put them together, then join my fingertips and start chanting aum. I call forth all attacking spirits and command their divine spirits come through them and offer them my divine love completely, then add the worlds divine spirits to that and then the infinite divines spirit. all sharing in the cycle of gratitude and love. that pretty much dispels any magic completely.
What works better for me is receiving the energy in love, imagining my spirit receiving it and sending it back as infinite love. I have had massive success with this and its converted me into a happy person. My spiritual attacks were , they must have been serious black magic, because it damn near floored me for months on end.
My most effective technique to date has been the culmination of two years of black magic attacks and seeking my spirits input for answers. We all have divine spirits and this will prove unequivocally , that this is indeed the case. My dad my brother and my sister were all attacked by these users of the everything practice. I learned eventually that i can use their divine spirits to help defeat their energies by calling to accountability the divine spirits of the casters and surrendering their projected energies back to their divine spirits to take responsibility for it , adding that let us honor their desire to see destruction either of sin or sinner. I get attacked every day and every day i defeat them.
Again, cannot read article as the numbers cover the text. Pls resolve. Many thanx. xx
heres the prayer or incantation i use to deflect psychic attacks, its based on the divine truth that our spirits are surrendered in unity and love and receptive to everything. I manifest connection to anyone and everyone attacking me with energy, i thank my divine spirit and theirs for surrendering into oneness and i thank their divine spirit for being receptive of the energy i surrender coming from the person they are manifesting amen.
This pretty much kicks a psychic attack in minutes no matter how bad it is.
So these are real things that can happen to us? this is been very much happening to me and there’s no one to really talk to about it. Because its something that isn’t approved in the eye of the public for the most part or bElieved in.but it is threatening to destroy my life if I don’t repel It and become stronger than what being thrown at me.
Oh but you’re in the which wars every day.
I have to be a lot more aggressive than this in protecting myself from microwave bursts. I’m a TI.
We are not a victim.. why are we putting blame on someone or anyone ‘out there’? When we blame people or anything outside but ourselves, we are giving our power away. You see, we are an infinite being, magnificent being, we are all One with different expression of consciousness. No one is superior or inferior, we are all the same.. Look, when we begin to accept our doubts, uneasiness feeling, anger or anything, that is when we have our power back because the moment we accept it and take responsibility to it instead of putting the blame on anyone, we immediately in tune with our True Power or Authentic Power.
There is no negative or positive energy. Energy is always neutral. Until we personalize it with good (positive) and bad (negative). All this is just waves (temporary).. it comes and go.. your worries and doubts, it comes and go, nothing is permanent, all this is illusions, except Your True Self is infinite
which is no beginning and no ending. Time is an illusions, when the world knows this, half of the problem will be gone (people are constantly rushing that they have no time for their own peace of self)
My point is that, it is fine with any method you guys are using like crystal, white sage etc. Do realize that you do because of Love not out of fear, don’t do anything out fear, do it because you love yourself, for you and not people that are ‘attacking you’. There is no one attacking you, it might seem like it but it’s all in your mind, your mind is a powerful tool.. mostly it is your misplaced creativity, by this I meant your creativity is more on the things you do not want, instead of the things you want. Focus only on things you want, make it the opposite to fear all your thoughts. *Remember not to judge nor
condemn on anything or anyone* See as it is.. It is when we go againts life is where all the ‘unfairness’, ‘suffering’ you see in the world. If you are open enough, all this are for Soul Reason where it is impossible for human to understand unless you come from unconditional love, which we all are, always.
We just need to understand, it is when we understand silently, we heal ourselves. Leave a space for miracle to happen in your life instead of fear or things you don’t want. You matter, your little voice matter, speak, the world/soul/higher self/Life is listening to you everytime, isn’t that a miracle too? Look everywhere around you with Love, even the people you don’t like, look right through their soul then you see their beauty self.. we can’t see anything as it is when there is a judge & condemn. This is the beginning for the world to change, it is when we begin with ourselves, each of you, do things what is True to you not based on what is right or wrong.
Do what is True for you, as this is when you start listening to the teaching of your own soul, as we are all a Magnificent being, where we are capable. Unbox your gift by utilize your uniqueness of yourself, each of us are unique with our own way, you have your own complete unique creative way, do that.. see things in more interesting way, live your life, feel alive in everything you do.. Go for your highest desire/good or what is True for you, let go anything that bring does not bring out the best in you and anything that makes your life dull because now you know what you are, you just need to understand.. you are free to choose which experience you want, as a victim or a Creator of your life.
Im sorry if my psychic attacker got to you but at this point it should no longer be an issue