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Spiritual Synastry and Astrology

Spiritual Synastry and Astrology

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Synastry is an astrological term that refers to compatibility in relationships.

The Astrological Determination of Synastry

by Christos Archos,

The reason that sometimes Synastry techniques do not help us when we look at a romantic relationship is that we look at it as something with no purpose and with no specific meaning. We believe that the relationship was created in a spontaneous way and the most important of all we think that the mechanics of the relationship are very simple.

This is not something real.  We know that a relationship has also a developmental reason for its existence and by looking on its esoteric – inner nature we will be able not just to unlock the mysteries of the relationship but we will also be able to help the couple to succeed in solving the problems that will arise soon or later.


1st Step: Do we have something common to get along with in our voyage in life?

We should not overlook the importance of Moon Nodes when we are looking at a Synastry. The nodes will help us if the couple has common things to discover and to solve.

For example, a person may have a square between his North Node and Venus. That means that the specific person will need to learn some important things about how to love, to share and his values. Also, a reason for conflict with others will be in his life.

If he meets a woman with the North Node having any kind of aspect with Venus that means that they have some common ground. Both, as a part of their development they have to focus on Venus matters and they have to solve them. Now if she has a good aspect like a trine or a sextile between her Venus and the north Node that means that for the specific male this woman is very important because they do not have just the common developmental interests in Venus themes, but because the woman holds the good aspect she may be the one that will help him solve his problems on these specific matters.

So, it is very important in a couple for both people to have a common planet having any aspect with their personal North Node.

If both people have a negative aspect of the same planet with their North Node then the situation will be difficult and perhaps each person will create problems to each other. Especially when these planets are Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron and Eris we will have extreme problems.

It is positive when both of them have a planet that has a positive aspect with their personal North Nodes. It brings great joy and happiness when we meet this kind of persons in our life. There is a sense of tranquility and peacefulness but the lack of developmental needs and conflicts for growing, in many cases, it may lead the relationship to dullness.


2nd Step: Venus – Mars Aspects and Houses. The need for love and passion

It is very important to look at the aspects planet Venus has because we can look at the love deposits of this relationship. Venus is the ruler of Gemini in the esoteric astrology and has to do with higher love – the love that connects people not because of simple passion but because of spiritual awareness.

When in a couple both of them have a Venus with a good aspect it is a very positive sign. Looking at which house each Venus falls on the other chart we can understand lots of the reasons a person comes in our life.

If, for example, we have a Venus of a Man Sextile with the Venus of a Woman and the Venus of the Man falls in the 4th house of the Woman’s natal chart this means that this Man comes to the life of this person to bring security and calmness. Perhaps this man holds an important meaning for her life. 4th house is always a very karmic house and many times it points that the couple has activated long bonds which go back to their past lives. Sometimes this is not a karmic bond but an “inheriting” one. That means that perhaps in the Woman’s family runs a family problem of security that goes through the ages, the man may be the key to the solution of her family situation.

We have to look very carefully which houses are activated through Venus because they bring a very important message to the people having a relationship. The houses that usually correspond to water element (4th – 8th – 12th) hold a very Karmic or even spiritual meaning that needs to be very clear from the astrologer to his client.  The Fire Houses (1st – 5th – 9th) are usually very powerful indicators of strong bonds in the couple and help people to feel very good. Sometimes people support strongly each other and they have the ability to get over the biggest problems of all you can imagine.

Air houses (3rd – 7nth – 11nth) may be sometimes productive and they help the communication to run easily but at the same time they are not very good at creating emotional ties, this means that a relationship is based more on the mind than on spiritual ties. Finally, the earth houses (2nd – 6th – 10th) are the worst because they are rooted in everyday things and sometimes the relationship does not have the proper abilities to go a step farther and to unite with its spiritual dimension. Especially in 6th house matters, perhaps there is a reason for one person to be in service for the other for some past mistakes.

The best aspects the Venus of the two people may have are the Trine and the Sextile. Squares may add some passion but people cannot be developed easily and on the opposition, they may have great blocking, sometimes they may even act against their own love issues, like trying sabotage their mate. For that reason, an astrologist has to go deep inside the Venus identity and look for solutions but most of all of the reason these people are in conflict.

While Venus has to do with love in a spiritual dimension and a need for commitment, Mars has to do with the ability of a person to have a specific IDEAL for his or her relationship. So while in common astrology Mars has to do with sex impulses and sexual compatibility in the esoteric dimension it has to do about faith and ideals those persons have. When a couple has faith to each other lots of problems can be solved, on the other side, the idealization or even sometimes the fanaticism about the relationship may lead to difficulties in everyday life and problems of freedom within the relationship. For this reason, opposition should be avoided in a Synastry. Conjunction is usually the best aspect mars of a male and a female chart can have and the next one is the Square because it is a dynamic aspect and although they may have some conflicts but also it brings common ground for them to fight in life.

Mars works in the same way as Venus in the Houses.


3rd Step: The Sun – Moon eternal wedding

Sun and Moon are always very important planets in a Synastry, this is a fundamental truth both in traditional and spiritual Synastry.

In the dualistic world of Yin and Yang, a good relationship may bring the TAO as the eastern religion understood it and that is the way of unity and joy. Having Sun and Moon in compatibility in a Synastry it is like having two people which are born to be together. When you have harmonious aspects between Sun – Sun, Moon – Moon and Sun – Moon of each other it is like holding the key to happiness. You will not find any natal charts combination of two people that will have all of the positive aspects, but when you have mostly Conjuncts, Trines and Sextiles the relationship is very strong and powerful.  Nature is within the relationship and connection is so natural that nothing can change it. Imagine the flow of the water and its physical route, nothing can change this, even the most powerful human works fail in front of the power of nature. The relationship, in this case, holds within it the power of nature.

See Also

When the couple has detrimental aspects (especially Squares and Inconjucts) then it is like trying to go against nature. The relationship is against the natural law, this does not mean that the relationship cannot survive, but you have to put a lot of energy and always there always will be the risk of destruction. Imagine the dams which people try to build and sometimes they fail to protect their cities, the same thing happens in a relationship which does not have positive aspects.

Another problem is when the Sun – Moon of 1 person does not have any aspects with Sun and Moon of the 2 person. This usually means that there is no spiritual meaning for the couple and if they get along (something very rare) they will not stay for a long time together but there are always exceptions.

Another important point to look at is where Sun and Moon fall in each one’s Natal chart.

Usually, the Fire Houses are very constructive and positive while the water houses bring severe problems of expression especially when we talk about 8th and 12th houses. Air and Earth houses are neutral and they can be worked in a good or a bad way depending on the aspects the couple has on their Sun and Moon.


4th Step: Vertex and Antivertex. Are you someone important for me?

If someone has heavy influences in a Synastry combination from his planets to your vertex it is very important. Vertex is the point that helps us understand if someone is really important in our life and if he will change our life forever. Beware that this change may not be always for good; major changes can be bad too. This is a critical point in understanding the Vertex. For this reason, we have to look closely at which planets interfere with it because it is a very sensitive point. Usually, Pluto, Saturn and Mars conjunct the Vertex are bad luck aspects and the people having them in our Vertex are usually detrimental for us. On the Contrary Venus, Jupiter and Neptune are beneficial for our future.  Sun, Mercury, Moon, Uranus, Chiron, and Eris need a lot of attention because the results may vary according to various factors.

It is better not to look at other aspects except conjunctions and oppositions because the significance of the meaning may not be so intense. Also in oppositions, we usually find people that in the “past” helped us so we are the ones now that we have to help them to change their lives.


5th Step: Uranus – Neptune and Pluto: the Spiritual leaders

One planet from these ones will be more powerful than the other in the Synastry. The planet that has the greater influence is very important and gives us a lot of information about the situation and the goal of the specific relation we have.

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About the Author

Connect with Christos Arcos, Astrologist, Psychologist, CBT therapist on Facebook:

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