Foster Gamble: “For me, there have certainly been times when I thought: Whoa….What am I getting myself into? We certainly want to take every precaution to get the message out in a safe and secure way. Whenever that fear would come up, it didn’t compare to the concern that I have for my family and my loved ones. Also, my species and my planet. We are already jeopardized as much as I can imagine. The greatest problem for me would be if I couldn’t make my best contribution in this critical fork in the road for humanity.”
Kimberly Gamble: “My experience with fear is that in the course of evolving ourselves, there is always fear. It is just an experience that I think we need to become friendly with, because to me it is just saying: This is just part of the process where I’m confronting what I perceive to be a risk. It is about working through that to make a conscious choice, because it is worth it for me. It is something you become familiar with, and move past. You just chalk it up to a bad day in our journey where fear is recognized as such, and not succumb to it.”
Q: During your journey of collaborating together, what is it that you both are most proud of?
Kimberly Gamble: “Personally, one thing that I am most proud of is that when we set out as this co-creative couple, we made a commitment to hold our relationship primary and really go at this. We each had our different roles, but we wrote it together. We have had a tremendous amount of interaction and collaboration. So naturally, there were disagreements about what content to have, but would proceed always with respect. We also agreed that we would stick with something long enough, until we came to a mutual understanding, whatever that took. We have come through this just so in love over this experience. We are so close, and have no regrets about any part of the process. And to have something coming out this big, and that has so many decisions, so many relationships with other team members, I feel very proud of the quality of interaction that we had with each other, and with the whole team.”
Foster Gamble: “For me, when I met, fell in love, and started working with Kimberly, it was the final conformation for me that absolutely everything is possible for human beings. Experiencing the level of thriving in a co-creative relationship that I have always dreamt of, but didn’t know was for sure possible. Now I know it truly is possible, and everything it’s cracked up to be! We didn’t hold back. Virtually everyone as they got exposed to how comprehensive this film was, said: “You can talk about the money, but you can’t talk about extra-terrestrials. Or, you can talk about extra-terrestrials, but you can’t talk about free energy. You can talk about free energy, but you can’t talk about conspiracy theory. You can talk about conspiracy, but you can’t talk about love. It’s not like we said everything we could have said in just a two hour movie. We never held back on content that we felt would be critical to the story. And in the process of just before launching this film, we’ve just been kind of giggling with each other and looking at each other like: Oh my gosh! We have actually done it! Not only have we completed a project, but fulfilled the mission we came here in this lifetime to complete, and it is exhilarating!”

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