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Transforming Fear: The Spiritual Perspective

Transforming Fear: The Spiritual Perspective

Transforming Fear

Resolve to redirect every fearful thought by holding it and the situation that gives rise to it in the light.  Be assured, it is your connection with Divine light and love that will take care of all fear.  You will be in the body, free of fear, celebrating the present moment.  Affirm often: “No fear, no doubt can survive in the shrine of my enlightened heart.”

Explore a More Spiritual Perspective

You can also overcome fear by realizing the true nature of your Soul or your Spirit. That is where the need for true spirituality comes in your life.

As we explore a more spiritual perspective we ponder our deepest questions about fear: what it is, where it comes from, and how we can conquer it. Some of us have even been taught to fear God, but how can we fear that which encompasses all, that which is Oneness itself?  As we meditate on who we are, we come to find that it is our mind that is fearful, that our Soul is fearless, and that we are one with God.

If you are the fleeting, changing, restless mind, then fear will chase you wherever you go, for fear has many masks and many shades.  But when you recognize that you are the Soul eternal, unborn and deathless, that you are all that is, then there is no fear.

Spirituality is the science and art of living where you dive deeper within you and cleanse your subconscious of all its collected negativity. We do this with the light of the positive power of the breath, meditation and Yoga.

Focus on Your Own Breath

Shift your consciousness from anxiety and stress to the relaxation response and spiritual mindfulness by focusing on your breath. Take three deep inhalations and three deep exhalations while counting the breaths. Once you shift your mind’s focus away from the negative energy of anxiety to the positive power of your vital force (in the east called Chi or Prana), transformation begins.

Do this breathing several times a day to cleanse your mind and your body of any negative attack. Fill your mind with thoughts of gratitude for the wonderful gifts that you have received in life and open yourself to the grace available in the present moment.

See Also

Conscious breathing helps you to slow down your racing thoughts that cause the stress. When you are tense about some thing that is fearful, a train of thoughts flood your mind and you are completely lost in these negative thoughts.

By practicing the breathing exercises along with regular meditation, you create a much-needed pause, allowing you the time to watch your mind and its tendencies.

Clear the Clutter from your Mind

Your mind is a space. In its natural state, it is pristine, open, luminous, at one, in a constant state of celebration with the Infinite creative energies of the Universe.

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