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2012 : Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminous

2012 : Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminous

By Karen M. Rider

From Cairo to Cromwell nary a soul on the planet hasn’t heard something about the Prophecy of 2012.  Maybe I should say ‘prophecies’ because there is dissention among the ranks of those interpreting the Mayan calendar and related writings.  According to scientists and New Agers from such wide-ranging disciplines as anthropology, archeology, physiology, and physics, 2012 takes humanity down divergent paths.

The belief that 12/12/2012 is the End of Time has been pushed into the collective consciousness, largely by New Age and metaphysical thinkers, some of whom are scientists.  The evidence:  global warming, financial chaos, poverty, war … need I say more?

There’s also the Gaia Principle, which views Earth as Mother – a living, sentient being.  As this logic goes, when you mistreat Mother all hell breaks loose – tsunamis, global warming, earthquakes – you get the idea; essentially, we self-destruct.  When you look at what’s going on in the world, the idea that ‘this is the end’ isn’t far- fetched.

A more spiritually-minded group believes 2012 marks an initiation into a new phase of existence that will take anywhere from six to twenty years to be fully realized.  There’s also a lot of talk about the year of total transformation being 2032.  This new era of human evolution will bring about what Alberto Villoldo, anthropologist and shaman, calls Homo Luminous – we will become beings whose energy fields are luminous.

Barbara Hand Clow, a Cherokee elder and writer, calls the new human Homo Pacem, to indicate we are becoming a species focused on peace.  Both sound pretty good.  Evidence for this side of the story is attributed to the Green Movement that supposedly symbolizes humanity waking-up to the needs of the planet –if Earth doesn’t thrive, no one survives.  The Gaia Principle also applies here – treat Mother Earth with love and kindness, and she sustains you.

It would be remiss to leave out the group who seems the least popular in their thinking – the folks who say nothing will happen in 2012 because the Mayans just didn’t calculate the calendar past that date.  Why is the ‘nothing opinion’ so unpopular?  Perhaps because it doesn’t sell advertising spots – even “hard” scientists like theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking,  say it is more likely that an asteroid will crash into Earth, than that 2012 will be the end of everything.  (Sorry, no date provided to mark on your calendar.)

Don’t forget there are matters of religious faith to be considered here as well.  Many contemporary faiths don’t have an opinion on 2012 because it is not relevant to their teachings. The Bible, for example, says something about “the end coming like a thief in the night”.  How then, could we have any prior knowledge of the event?

Cataclysmic Shifts, Spiritual Enlightenment, The Status Quo

Does what we believe about 2012 really matter?  It does if you believe you create, or co-create, your own reality.  If you think 2012 is the end, it may very well be the end for you.  If you believe you will transform, maybe you will.  Who is anyone to cast doubt about these things?

Aside from the quantum and string theory approach to how we create and experience life, shouldn’t we all be living by the Golden Rule, anyway?  Honestly, didn’t kindergarten teach us all we need to know about how to live a happy Buddha life?

It matters not whether 2012 is the end, or the beginning, or both.  My own personal guiding philosophy is, “Dream, Believe, Do, Achieve”.  Not just for parts of my life, but for the whole of it, including spirituality.  I believe that humanity is, indeed, evolving toward a God-consciousness.  I therefore act in ways that support my belief.  That’s not to say I don’t speculate.  After all – I am a writer!

Perhaps the best way for any of us to approach 2012 is like this:

¨      If you knew with certainty that you had 365 days left on the planet, how would you live your final days?  Would you document every moment, and store it in a time capsule?

¨      If we are destined to evolve into luminous beings, what steps would you take to ensure that you complete the transformation fully prepared for the grace and wonder promised by such an existence?

¨      If nothing happens at all—are you happy with life as you know it, and would you go on living the way that you do today?

See Also
God Gene

We’ve barely covered all the hot points on 2012, and that’s because we just don’t know.  We can’t know what’s in store for us, locally or globally; physically or spiritually.  So, whether you’re in Cromwell or Cairo, live your best life now, because that choice is entirely up to you.

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What’s Your 2012 Prediction?

Email Karen and she’ll share your thoughts on her blog, or in a future article.

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Interesting Related Website:

 End-of-the-World Myths and the Mayan Calendar

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