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Curry, Curry Nights

Curry, Curry Nights

Cultural Sensitivity falls before the onslaught of Curry Prejudice

A Chinese family, who had moved to Singapore from China, resorted to mediation because they could not stand the smell of the curry that their Singaporean Indian neighbors would often cook. The Indian family, who were mindful of their neighbor’s aversion, had already taken to closing their doors and windows whenever they cooked the dish, but this was not enough.

The Chinese family petitioned Madam Marcellina Giam, a Community Mediation Center mediator, asking: “Can you please do something? Can they don’t cook curry? Can they don’t eat curry?” But the Indian family stood firm. In the end, Madam Giam got the Indian family to agree to cook curry only when the Chinese family was not home. In return, they wanted their Chinese neighbors to at least give their dish a try.

No news on whether the Chinese family tried the curry.

See Also

Lyric credits to MrBrown Production
Original Song – “Starry, starry night” or “Vincent”
Sang and composed by Don McLean

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