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Following the Chi

Following the Chi


The simple act of making sure your front door can open a full 90 degrees will let the opportunities and the chi into your home. If the chi and the energy and the opportunities aren’t able to get into your home or into your life, anything else you do is not really going to have an impact. Number two is looking at your kitchen and making sure the stove is in order,  clean, and that your kitchen is functional. The stove and kitchen represent how you’re seen in the world and how you earn your money so you can use that money to help others and help yourself.

The third aspect is your bedroom, making sure your bed is in the command position — making sure you’re not directly in line with the door but that you’re positioned so that you can see the door.

What exactly is chi?

Chi is life energy. It’s basically the energy of the universe. Everything living is comprised of chi. If you look at a house, a lot of land, or a forest, you’ll see that some areas have no animals around, the vegetation is dead or dying — it’s not very vibrant. Then you go to another area, and you see the grass is green, the trees are growing, the birds are singing — that place has positive chi.

See Also

When I say “follow the chi,” it also means to follow your heart.  Although we have to do things daily that we might not love or are truly passionate about, there’s no reason you can’t start living your dream today, and being the person you truly want to be and aspire to be today.

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